How to swim with a cramp

How to swim with a cramp

If it is time to devote yourself to sports or correct physical development, the ideal solution will be swimming. Overcoming water obstacles involves all muscle groups, and most importantly - everyone loves to swim. The fastest and most popular way of swimming is the crown. To learn this technique of moving in water, get acquainted with the theoretical basis and practical instructions.

Roll is a way to swim on the chest or back, objectively considered the most less costly forces and time. He is easy to learn - it is simple in the technique of execution. In addition, such a style is one of the most ancient, it is popular among athletes, you can call it a "record holder" of swimming competitions. Before the start of learning, you need to eat theoretical knowledge, and then start practicing.

Croll 4.

From the side of the crown on the chest, it looks like half-baked hands perform alternate maughs-beams, legs at the same time shifted and move away. In other words, a third-party observer will see a picture in which the movement of the hands will be approximately the exercise "Mill", and the legs are reminded by scissors. Similar actions are performed when swimming with the same style on the back. The only difference when we move the crawl on the chest, the hands are heading due to the head into the water, under the body, and on the back - everything happens exactly the opposite.

If your plans are serious and correct training for this swimming technique, then without the help of an experienced instructor, it will be difficult for you to do. In extreme cases, it is necessary to watch professionals for some time.

Methodical instructions from instructors:

  • mach / swallows to perform a bent hand, one can say perpendicular to the direction, relying on water;
  • fingers are connected, palm flat;
  • the legs are as smooth, performing vertical movements;
  • with each mah, it is necessary to hold the rhythm, eliminate pauses, so each hand, completing the next beats, should be accelerated at the next movement;
  • when the wrecks are over (the hand is located at the hip), you need to remove the hands from the water - shoulder, then forearm and brush;
  • at the very beginning of the rowing movement, ascend the palm back and a little up.

Croll 3.

Another important point in teaching is to master the right breath while swimming with the crawl. This physiological process is very closely associated with the movements of the hands. In practice, breathing is correctly performed: turn your head to the other side, which plans to withdraw your hands from under the water, and breathe in the mouth. The beginning of the breath is at the start of the row. Then turn the input to the face and after a small delay, do it out. It must be produced through the nose and mouth after carrying the upper limb by air. Next begins the next breath ...

Croll 6.

Now you can proceed directly to practice. Start with light exercises:

  • Making beans, catch up with one hand another, straightened in front of you.
  • Find a partner for training. It will be great to play "Catching". At the same time, observe the necessary distance and of course - the swimming technique. Thus, you improve high-speed skills.
  • Put yourself a goal sailing in a few seconds as much distance as possible. The partner will need a stopwatch. It is desirable that he was a professional and was able to watch you, point to your mistakes.
  • If the problem in the technique was the "high position of the elbow" - damping the special blades in the hands. They will help to raise the elbow as high as possible.

Croll 2.

Remember, in the case of the "Drong of Krbar", the main points are important: follow the breath, appliances, and most importantly - enjoy the process. Therefore, at once, try to learn this correctly in order to move quickly and easily to move in water.

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