How to remove the sides on the waist

How to remove the sides on the waist

Beautiful thin waist makes a woman attractive at any age. The female figure looks slim and tightened. Fat deposits in the sides and lower back in the form of folds do not give her beauty, so women are trying to remove low-apparent sides as quickly as possible and return to the Figure former harness. What effective exercises quickly move the sides on the waist?

Causes of the occurrence of sides on the waist

Among the common factors of the occurrence of fat folds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist can be allocated:

  • unbalanced nutrition and no power mode;
  • stressful situations and defective sleep;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • sitting and sedentary work;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially containing sugar;
  • smoking;
  • changes in the body associated with pregnancy.

How to remove the sides on the waist: diet

The presence in a daily diet of a large number of calorie products, overeating overnight or night snacks contribute to the deposition of fats in the problem zone. Adjusting meals, combining it with effective exercises, you can quickly remove the sides.

In your nutrition must be attended:

  • low-fat varieties of meat and fish (boiled or baked);
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese);
  • greens, vegetables and fruits rich in fiber;
  • cruses and coarse bread.

An important diet condition is a frequent meal and consumption of a large amount of water (at least 2 liters per day).

How to remove the sides on the waist with the Hula-Hup hoop simulator

Hula-HUP is the most effective simulator to create a thin waist. With it, subject to daily classes, it is possible to remove fat from the sides in a short time and strengthen the side muscles of the back. The hoop rotates circular movements in the waist and side of at least 5 minutes. After the first workouts on the sides, pain and bruises are possible. Over time, when the muscles are strengthened, workouts will only bring pleasure from the visible result - a thin and slim waist.

How to remove the sides on the waist: the most effective exercises

All exercises for the fight against fatty deposits on the lower back and waist must be carried out in a complex with dietary food.

Cardio-classes: running, cycling, swimming, sports walking. Thanks to cardiovascular activity, fat burning from problem areas occurs faster.
After cardio-load, a good visible effect give the following exercises that contribute to the decrease in the sides:

  • Planck. One of the best and best exercises, which makes our body slimmer, eliminates extra kilograms and strengthens absolutely all muscles. Taking the original position as when pressing, on the stretched straight hands, delay for 1-3 minutes. Newcomers Exercise is not easy when the muscles are accustomed to the load, gradually increase the time of exercise.
  • Side bar. A similar, but more complex exercise, is performed in the side position with a stop on one elongated hand or elbow. Street in this position 1-2 minutes first on one hand, then to the second.
  • Side bar, complemented by the failure of the hip. A little complicating task and supplement the side bar of the failure of the thigh down. The number of failures is 10 times.
  • Side twists from the sitting position (twisting). Sitting on the rug, bending the knees, making twisting the top of the body into one, then in the other side. For performance, it is necessary to make 2 approaches of 20 twists.
  • Twisting in the opposite direction. Lying on the back, bent the legs at an angle of 90 degrees, it is necessary to lift the top of the body. Hands should be behind your head. Right elbow is trying to touch the left knee, then on the contrary. You must perform 20 repetitions.
  • Bike. Wonderful exercise on strengthening the muscles of the press. From the position of lying, we carry out the rotational movements of your feet like cycling. Perform 20 circular movements with your feet.
  • Swimming. This exercise helps to remove fat in the lumbar region. It is necessary to lie on the stomach, hands and legs to lift, taking a position, as when swimming with a breaker. Try to stay for 3-5 seconds and go down on the rug. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Performing accessible exercises at home, observing the diet soon you can boast a beautiful line of bending a slim figure, surprising those surrounding with your youth and attractiveness.

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