How to do the exercise vacuum

How to do the exercise vacuum

The figure for a woman has an important meaning. And if some parameters laid down by nature cannot be changed, then it is possible to give a figured femininity and attractive forms using special exercises by correcting the shortcomings, or even radically changing your silhouette. Many believe that to reduce the volume in the abdomen area, the press is needed as often as possible, but this is not quite so. During the swing press, fat from the abdomen and sides leaves, but the muscles increase and give an unnecessary volume in the field of waist. Sharing the side press, you, not knowing, increase the width of the waist.

Today we will talk about such an effective exercise as a vacuum: one of the common exercises aimed at forming a flat abdomen. Vacuum will not only pull the belly, but also help improve the figure, bringing it at the form of "hourglass".

Basic Position for Exercise Spix

Pose, in which the easiest to master the exercise of the vacuum and learn how to perform it correctly - lying on the back. In the original position, the body is relaxed, the legs are bent in the knees in an angle of 45 °, the feet of the entire surface come into contact with the floor surface. Do not put the stops too close, the position must be as comfortable as possible. Hands stretched along the body with palms down, relaxed. The surface is chosen flat, hard, not suitable for vacuum bed or sofa.

Exercise technique Vacuum

The essence of the exercise Vacuum lies in the stress of the transverse muscle of the abdomen. To do this, do the following:

  • slowly, smoothly exhale the air, trying to not be left completely, and in the chest, there was a vacuum in the chest for sensations;
  • tighten the belly as much as you can, with the muscle you need acquires the tone;
  • hold the position for 15-20 seconds;
  • to smoothly relax the stomach, as it were, "releasing" him, restore breathing.

The position of the abdomen during the delay of breathing should be the same in the same, the muscles of the abdomen are stationary.

Result from Vacuum Exercise

After you have learned to perform an exercise in a basic position, it comes to complicate your task and master other positions. The exercise technique in any position of the body remains unchanged, that is, adhere to the sequence - exhale, pull the stomach, keep, relax. But when changing positions, there may be difficulties with the voltage of the desired muscle, so it is important to achieve the right technique every time. If, when you try to change the position of the feeling of "lost", the exercise is again performed in the basic position so that the body "remembered" the correct position of the abdominal muscles.

Positions for execution:

  • The initial position is on all fours, knees and palms are located on the width of the shoulders and are used as a support. Spin on the same line with a head of head and horizontal floor. In terms of complexity, this position is the simplest after the basic.
  • The initial position is sitting. The legs are bent in the knees and fit in the lotus pose. Hands lie on the knees. It is important not to strain the muscles unnecessary to us during the execution of a vacuum.
  • The initial position is standing, legs are located on the width of the shoulders. Take a deep breath, at this time the housing is tilted forward, while the back should remain smooth. Feet bend in the knees and palms are based on the hips. As a support, instead of the hips, you can use some item, but it is important that the angle of inclination of the torso was not more than 45 °. The head is slightly omitted, the look is aimed forward, the respiratory tract should remain free. Taking this position, exhale all air and exercise.

If everything is done correctly, then during the voltage of the transverse muscle of the abdomen, the feeling that the internal organs are "pressed" to the chest. Exercise Vacuum perform 5-6 days a week, take up to 30 repetitions per day. It is convenient to do this in 3 approaches 10 times.

An important condition for achieving the result is the correct exercise and regularity. After a month, regular stomachs will significantly decrease significantly, and the waist will become elegant. But you should not stop there, because there is no limit to perfection.

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