Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss

Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss

Active sports will benefit not everyone. There are a number of contraindications to severe physical exertion. If there is no possibility or desire to attend the gym, in the struggle for weight loss and the acquisition of tightened forms will help complexes of respiratory gymnastics. For a long time, a positive effect of proper nutrition on metabolism and fat burning is noted. We will tell you how to breathe and lose weight.

Due to the enrichment of the body with oxygen due to proper respiration, a number of positive effects on the metabolic properties of the body occurs. Thus, oxygen contributes to the best assimilation of substances necessary for normal metabolism; allows you to keep the alkaline medium of gastric juice to split fats; contributes to the removal of toxins and preservatives; Participates in the process of oxidation of fat deposits. To achieve a noticeable result, it is enough daily 15 minutes to do the exercises of the complex. The basis of the training is deep breathing with a diaphragm:

  1. Inhale big volume air Through the nose and hold your breath.
  2. Tighten and strain the stomach.
  3. Take a straight back. Straightening, rounded slightly shoulders and back. Hold the buttocks. Hold the position of 10 seconds.
  4. Not relaxing the stomach and buttocks, slowly exhale your mouth.

Complex exercise Bodiflex It is an effective type of respiratory gymnastics. The workout feature is that in addition to aerobic breathing, special exercises are performed on certain muscle groups. Accordingly, besides the total weight loss due to the acceleration of metabolism, problem areas of the body are being worked out, muscles are tightened. V Bodiflex There are exercises for the facial muscles of the face, which contributes to the prevention of wrinkles and tightening the skin. You need to do regularly, only on an empty stomach. Bodiflex Not compatible with diets. It has a number of contraindications: cardiovascular diseases, bleeding (including menstrual), inflammatory processes and pregnancy. Consists of a complex of exercises for various muscle groups: "Almaz" to strengthen hands and shoulder belts, "Boat" and " Seica»For hips," Leo "for the muscles of the face and neck, the" ugly grimace "for the muscles of the neck, the" side stretch ", the" abdominal press "," pretrael "for the press," swallow "strengthens the jagged muscles," scissors "are directed to work The lower area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, the "cat" strengthens the muscles of the back.

Chinese technique " Jianfei"Truly unique. The vernal name is translated as "reset fat." It consists of only three exercises: "Wave", "Lotos", "Frog". Each of these exercises is designed for a specific purpose. So, the "wave" suppresses a feeling of hunger, the "frog" removes tensions in the muscles, and the "lotus" speeds up the metabolism. Exercises can be performed by a complex or separately at different times or focus on only one required in a particular case. There are no restrictions in the number of repetitions per day and temporary framework. The secret of the success of the execution of gymnastics is considered the ability to focus on positions, remove the surrounding, completely relax the body. Execution technique:

  1. Exercise "Wave" is performed on an empty stomach. Lying on the back, put one hand on the stomach, and the other on the chest. Inhale slowly, pulling the maximum stomach and raising high breasts. Then hold your breath by 5-7 seconds. Exhale smoothly. Need to perform 40 cycles inhale-exhalation. Rhythm of breathing is calm, uniform.
  2. For the exercise, the "Frog" will need a chair. Sitting on a chair, go on knees with elbows. Helm the fist and graze it the opposite palm. Enact your head on closed hands and close your eyes. Inhale the maximum amount of air, inflating the belly. After a 5-second breath delay, make a breath, pulling the stomach. Breathe uniformly. You need to perform 15 minutes.
  3. Exercise "Lotos" is known from meditative practice. Sit comfortably in the position of the "Sitting Buddha". Put your hands up on your knees. Having removed from thoughts by focusing on his own breath, controlling the process, start deeply, to evenly breathe for 5 minutes. Try the next 5 minutes to breathe as deeply, but not concentrating on the process, release your breath. The last 5 minutes breathe absolutely uncontrollably, freely, as they usually breathe in life.

Oksisayz similar to the technique of execution and results with the complex Bodiflex. But there are differences: Oksisayz does not have contraindications; consists from big the number of physical exercises aimed at various muscle groups; Not necessarily to perform an empty stomach. First you need to carefully work out the diaphragmal breathing and only then move to physical exertion. After performing a breathing cycle, draw your stomach, then proceed to physical exertion, for example:

  1. Squeeze the fists and stretching your hands forward, connect them in front of you. Press on the fists, overcoming resistance.
  2. Enter on the back of the chair and lift the straight leg back, stretch your fingers. Due to the movement of the pelvis up-inside Raise low and shake the leg. After completing 15 times, change your leg.
  3. The exercise for the stretching of the spine: from the position "Standing, knees are slightly bent" pull the right hand up, relax. Perform 15 times and pull your left hand.
  4. For a shoulder belt: Get your hands behind your back, hook in the castle. Tighten back.
  5. On the slightly bent knees, we face feet into the floor. Do not break down the feet, try to "stretch" the floor.

The respiratory technique in Streldnoye was designed in the 30s. The purpose of the exercise was the restoration of vocal performers. Since the complex is aimed at developing the technique of proper breathing, exercises contribute to the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis, neuroses, stuttering and weight loss. Gymnastics consists of exercises designed specifically to solve a certain problem. Slimming complex consists of 5 exercises:

  1. Bend your hands in the elbows, direct the palms from yourself. Do noisy breaths and squeeze the palms in the fists. You need to perform 20 approaches 8 times.
  2. Lower your hands to the belt, bend in the elbows. Fists clapped. Strongly breathing, lower your hands, open the palm and fingers. Strain the shoulder belt. Perform 8 times in 8 episodes.
  3. Quickly inhale. On the exhalation slowly lean down and straighten up again.
  4. Inhale the nose. Slowly squat, turning the body of the body to the left, squeeze the palms in the fists. Then exhale. Repeat the exercise by turning the case to the right.
  5. Hands bend in elbows at the shoulder level. Inhaling, try to hug yourself. Outdoor - starting position. Perform 16 times breathing with mouth, and 16 times breathing with the nose.

To achieve the necessary results, it is necessary to make diligence, focus and sequence. Under such conditions, the result will not make himself wait long. After 2-3 weeks of regular training, the body volumes will noticeably decrease and the well-being will improve.

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