What to do to lose weight

What to do to lose weight

Along with the stomach, buttocks and hips, hands are at representatives of the fine sex no less problematic zone. They will quickly fully fully, but make them again slim quite difficult, especially for their rear part. The fat layer accumulates, as a rule, it is here, and when slimming, the skin saves. Return your handles elegance and ease will help several rules, sticking to which you can see the first results after a couple of weeks.

Check your meals, reduce the number of animal fats consumed and complex carbohydrates. Citrus, fermented milk products, pineapple, kiwi, porridge, ginger, walnuts, olive oil, legumes, bran, seaweed, white poultry meat, sea fish, vegetables, apples, broccoli, broccoli, butterfly. Try not to use salt and sugar, flour. Drink more water, herbal teas, fresh juices, decoction of rosehip. Dilute two teaspions of apple vinegar in 250 ml of non-carbonated water and drink two or three times a day.


Running hands is simply not possible without performing regular exercise. If there is no desire to go to the gym, you can perform them and at home. It is advisable to make them with dumbbells of 1-1.5 kg, such burden will not contribute to muscle buildings. Put the legs a little wider shoulders, bend in the knees, hands up on the sides, palms up and flex them in the elbows. Then lower your arms along the body, palms to yourself, lift them up to the shoulder level. Bend the elbows to the fists up watched, spend the hands, raising them above your head. Next, this exercise: Hands along the body, take them back on the exhale, and in the breath - back. Raise your hands above your head, tighten, bending in the elbows, behind the back and back, up. Make ahead, hands away to the sides, lower them down straight and raise.


A few more exercises: Make ahead, hands down, raise them, bending, elbows up, as above. Stand in a boxing rack, press the chest and throw them out sharply, alternately. Do pressed from floor or sofa. In the first case, so that it is easier, despicing not on the socks of the feet, but on the bent knees, but try to touch the floor to touch the floor. Sit on the chair, bend your hand and the elbows are stirred up, slightly above the knee. Flex and extension your hand from dumbbells, do it slowly. Lying on the back, spread their arms to the sides, lift them up. Or pull them out before, lower them back and raise back. Sit on a sofa or chair, palms are silent into the edge. Lower the buttocks down, leaning on the hands and feet, lift and lower the body. Make exercises 15 times, 2-3 approaches. Gradually increase their number. Also engage in the expander and fitness ball.


Try to run in the morning, it trains well and hands, sign up into the pool or pilates. Dance more, it does not matter - on a disco or at home, this process is very useful for the formation of beautiful hands. Take a contrasting souls, make special scrubs. Olive oil or honey mix in equal proportions with one of the following ingredients: coffee grounding, cooking salt, oatmeal shredded in a coffee grinder. Try them to problem spaces daily, during water procedures. Do not forget about anti-cellulite, warming creams and sprays, ylang-ylang oil. You can apply them before exercise. It is recommended to achieve a greater effect to drain the upper part of the food film. We go to the massage, including the hardware, paying attention to individual problem areas, as well as thalassotherapy.


If even the daily performance of physical exercises and the use of various funds does not help you, try to go through the course of mesotherapy or resort to the most radical method - brachioplasty.

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