How to do the exercise plank

How to do the exercise plank

Exercise "Planck" has become a classic genre in the fitness industry. This is one of the most powerful tools for the effective study of the muscles of the press, hips, shoulders and buttocks. "Raisin" is that all the listed zones work simultaneously.

Proper preparation for the exercise plank

So that the exercise worked, it is necessary to master the technique of its proper execution. Newbies often make mistakes, some muscles remain not involved.

IMPORTANT: Learn how to make a bar best under the supervision of an experienced trainer. If there is no such possibility, and you train at home, ask someone from family members to trace the position of the body in the process of working on yourself.

The essence of the exercise is to return the main muscles from the usual for the untrained body of the "curved" state in an even natural position. To find its "neutral position" (the term who enjoys professionals):

  • stand your back to the wall. Put the feet together, the heels must touch the walls;
  • touch the walls are also buttocks, blades and a population;
  • lower the shoulders;
  • check that the distance between the deflection in the lower back area and the wall was not more than the palm thickness. If it is greater, strain the lower part of the abdomen, take the pelvis a little forward;
  • stand so at least a minute so that the body will remember the correct position;
  • perform preparation every time before you get up in the bar until it comes to the neutral position to automatism.

Exercise Basic Planck

  • Take a horizontal position.
  • Raise the body, leaning on the mysteries stop and forearm.
  • Align your back so that there is one strict straight line from the top to stop.
  • Connect the muscles of the buttocks and the press.
  • Stand as much as you can withstand. The optimal program of execution for 30 days will be shown just below.

What to pay attention to

  • Do not compress the blades.
  • Watch the floor to do not do the head.
  • The angle in the elbow bending should be strictly 90 degrees.
  • Press keep constantly intense so that the deflection does not appear in the lumbar department.
  • Do not relax the front of the hip, otherwise the legs will start falling down.
  • Stressful buttocks will also not give "to fall" the pelvis.

The bar must be performed daily in the morning or in the evening (ideally 2 times a day). Time should gradually increase. You can guide such a program of classes so that the process moves smoothly, the body trained gradually.

Other Exercise Options Plank

Side Planck

Additional load on the oblique muscles. Set the elbow clearly under the shoulder. The opposite hand on the hip. Straightening the muscles of the press, hold the balance in the footsteps and on the forearm.

Plank with a leg raised or hand

Large load on the front of the hips compared to the traditional performance. When performing, make sure that the hull line always remains straight.

Planck on the stretched hands

Better workers the muscles of the back, while at the same time it is a lightweight classic option. Heels tear off the floor, stand only on socks. The wrists should make a clear right angle with forearm.

Inverted Planck

Sit on the floor. Put the palms next to the pelvis, fingers look strictly to the feet. On exhale lift the pelvis up. At the same time, keep your hands perpendicular to the floor. The neck pull out as far as possible. In this exercise with double power, all the rear muscles are involved.

Planck on phytball

Put the feet on the phytball so that the support is on the lower side of the shin. Hold the palms strictly under your shoulders. Hold the balance without allowing the deflection in the lower back.


Exercise plank with knees

Simplified option for an unprepared organism. It differs from the traditional plank that the emphasis is not on the feet, but on his knees. Everything else is the same - direct spin and no deflection in the field of waist and pelvis.

Exercise Plank has no contraindications. The key to success is the correct execution technique. And regular classes will very quickly lead into muscle tone and tighten the body.

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