How to squine correctly

How to squine correctly

Squats are one of the basic exercises for the development of musculature of the body, training legs and buttocks. Correctly performed squats can immediately use several types of joints: knee, hip and ankles. Incorrect execution of this exercise will not only not give the optimal load of the muscles, but also increases the risk of injury.

Squats: Execution Technique and Possible Results

To simplify the exercise process, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • During the squat, the press muscle should be tense, so that a supporting corset is formed around the spine.
  • The back should be like straight line: do not allow any bends and roundings.
  • Being in the lowest position, keep your knees clearly above the footsteps: do not put forward them forward and do not place on the sides.
  • During the execution of the exercise, the heels should not break away from the floor.
  • Breathing should be smooth and measured: try to breathe in the tact of movements, do not delay it.

If you are still not sure whether to include squats to your training program, then you should know what result the regular execution of squats leads. First, a powerful physique is formed. The muscles of the body becomes harmoniously developed: legs are strengthened, the abdominal press, the jagged muscles become more elastic and tightened, the chest increases (which is important for men).

Secondly, the hormonal level rises. If you use a large working weight during squats and a small number of repetitions, it will lead not only to the activation of the work of the central nervous system, but also launches the increased production of hormones, important for muscle growth.

Thirdly, the link "Muscles-brain" is developing. Since during the fulfillment of the squats, several types of joints are actively interacting, the mental bond between the brain and muscles is significantly strengthened.

Main types of squats

From the selected squat techniques, the number of muscles involved and the load force will be dependent directly. Traditionally, squats are divided into several groups. Consider them in more detail.

With a barbell

If you are a novice, then maybe at the first stage it will be unreasonable to take a lot of cargo. Try first using an empty neck. It without pancakes weighs an average of 20 kg. Consider schematically the technique of proper execution of this exercise:

  • Legs must be put at a distance slightly greater than the width of the shoulders. Socks of the feet should be deployed out about 30 degrees.
  • The neck is placed behind the shoulders, the elbows are reserved back, and the blades are reduced together.
  • It is carried out by a back, the back is slightly tilted forward (in no case do not count its top).
  • The body weight is transferred to heels, the press is tense, the look is directed directly (to avoid overloads to the cervical spine).
  • When lifting it is necessary to reach up, and the position of the knees in no case can change.
  • Exhaust is carried out only after lifting.

On stool

This technique perfectly helps to master the classic squat exercise. Based on the name, it becomes clear that the chair / bench will be needed. It should be such a height so that during the squat the position of the thighs was parallel to the floor, and the feet tightly pressed to the floor. Sometimes this exercise is used to test explosive lifting.

In general, this technique is similar to classical, with the only difference that after lowering the chair, it is necessary to rise by a sharp movement, pushing myself up by the force of femoral and butorous muscles in the initial position.

Plie / Sumo

This technique looks like a classic one, but the layout of the legs is wider. When performing this exercise, the muscles of the inside of the hip are more involved. As an additional load, you can use a barbell or dumbbells. Proper technique:

  • The legs are put at the distance wider shoulders, the feet are deployed with 120 degrees socks.
  • Squats are carried out in such a way that at the lowest point of the thighs were in a position parallel floor.
  • The position of the back and shoulders are straight, the press is tense. When lifting, the jagged muscles should be tense.

The significant difference of the Sumo technique from Plie is in the back position during the squat: it should be tilted forward, the pelvis is given back.

On one leg

This exercise is a salvation for those who have a problem spine, because when it is performed, the back will receive a smaller load than when performing other types of squats. Proper technique:

  • The rod places on the shoulders or take the dumbbells.
  • The inhalation is carried out forward with one foot in such a way that the leg of the leg serving forward was in the position perpendicular to the floor, and its thigh is parallel to him.
  • The leg of the foot bends in the knee, but does not concern the floor.
  • On the exhalation both legs straighten up, the feet remain unchanged. Then bend back to the previous position, but the body moves no longer forward, and down.
  • Repeated for the second leg.

You have just got acquainted with the right technique of accomplicing and with the main types of squats. Let your workouts be effective, because the stronger the basis, the stronger the entire building.

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