How to reduce caviar on the legs

How to reduce caviar on the legs

Before making a workout plan to reduce the ICR, it is necessary to determine the cause of the increased volume Ilicor muscle. If the reason is the base on excess weight or even, then you should take advantage of the active program. For pumping feet, it is necessary to focus on stretching, avoiding excessive activity.

Exercise for ICR, the origin of which is based on excess weight. Daily 10. 15 minutes jump on the rope, and then turn the socks apart, the stops level parallel to the shoulders and slowly, but deeply quiet.


If Foot caviar scored the volume due to high physical activity and acquired a coarse puffed form, focus on stretching. Before each training, make a workout, use not only legs, but also neck, hands, lower back, shoulder and hip joints. Perform circular turns head from left to right, then in the opposite direction. Torz turns and slopes to the side pull muscles and accelerate blood circulation. Circular rotations cams, elbows and slow jumps will lead the entire body in the tone.

Source position - legs on the width of the shoulders. Do you breathe and slowly tear off the floor from the floor, becoming on socks. Hurry and sharpness of anything. Sit one of the legs, imposing body weight on the second leg. The foot standing on the floor slowly tear away from the floor and bend the knee joint - inhale. In exhalation, we return to its original position and gently go down on the socks, we repeat 15 times.

Standing exactly, translate the position of the stop on the outer edge (the outside of the foot) and slowly go 1 minute. Move the feet on the inner edge of the feet and move back and forth 12 minutes. Start straight, wrapping hands on the back, alternately Turn to the side, while flexible knee And exposing the leg forward, the second leg at this moment is delayed back, notflexible knee.

Acrove the main stretching load. Sit on the floor, pull the legs straight, do not bend. Ride your hands take for socks and pull to yourself, while the heel gives forwardIn the legs should feel powerful tension, discomfort and unusual pain - it means that the result will be. Similarly, do the exercise, only one of the legs are adjusted for yourself and sit on the foot, take for the sock of the second leg, pull the feet to yourself, and push the heel forward. Alternate your feet and perform this exercise daily.

Refuse high heels, cycling and reduce protein food intake. Daily stretch the stretching while other exercises can perform several times a week. Efficiency depends on the regularity and technology of execution.

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