How to learn how to roller

How to learn how to roller

The principle of teaching ride on the rollers is reduced to one: to the ability to retain balance on two legs or one. The decisive factor in this business is your desire and acquired experience, therefore, even a three-year-old child can learn how to ride roller skates.

Before you become on the rollers for the first time, it is necessary to choose the right size of their size - the rollers should not put pressure and shove the leg. If you feel that you are inconvenient - try to remove and dress them again. To reduce the risk of injury to a minimum, take care of protection on your knees and elbows, as well as on the head.

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We wear videos, become on them, be sure to hold the stable support. We try to bring legs together. Always remember that if you just stand on the rollers, without holding a support, they can go as ahead and back. We stand in full growth, we stand so a few minutes, keeping up until you get used to your new growth.

The first time becoming on the rollers, it is desirable to have someone who will force. Strain the legs so that the rollers do not go, put the second leg behind the first in the form of the letter T, that is, perpendicularly. Wait so, and if you feel the inconvenience in the rollers, then overcoming them again.

The initial position for any gestures on the rollers should be like this: bend the legs in the knees, slightly fed forward, twist the legs together, lightly push off from the support. You must feel riding rollers. Move movements follows half-bent legs, tilting the body to the ground. With any instability or risk of falling, always bend the legs in the lap - the probability will fall down, and this position will help you maintain balance. If the drop is inevitable - learn to land correctly so that you can not damage anything. Try to project the fall on before.

The roller sock should be on the same level with your shoulders and knees, which will provide you with the most stable position. Before you start your first movement on the rollers, try doing exercises with which you will learn how to go much faster:

  • Squat: First, perform squats, drawing on something. Slowly stop holding the support and perform squats without it.
  • Movement along the support: Start moving along the support, try gradually to transfer the center of gravity to one one, then on the second leg. When it happens, try to alternately tear down your feet from the ground while holding in the air. Gradually, slowly perform these exercises.
  • Zigzagi: moving along the support, eat zigzags. Slowly pushing out my legs, try to fit yourself smoothly in turns. Floor rollers do not come off.

With the help of the exercises, you learned the pushing technique. Now traine in braking. There are two easiest ways to brake on the rollers:

  • Braking built-in brake: on all rollers the brake is made on the right side. In order to slow down, roller sock, plastic brake rests on the floor.
  • If there is no built-in brakes, we stop as follows: we transfer the center of gravity to one leg, and the second put perpendicularly, to stop the wheels of the rollers. The disadvantage of this method is that over time the wheels are combined.

Remember, the main thing in teaching ride on the rollers is a practice, and in the first two days it is recommended to move as much as possible with the help of rollers, creating obstacles and performing maneuvers.

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