How to learn to ride cross-country skiing

How to learn to ride cross-country skiing

Running skiing is not only one of the most popular sports, but also excellent rehabilitation activities aimed at improving and rejuvenation of the body, as well as to strengthen immunity. From the mountain ski skiing on crossying is also different technicians and equipment, because it allows you to cover long distances in the snow or small slopes.

Consider the classic method. He begins with the selection of the track. It is better to choose the laid, the snow on which is smooth, and the tracks for skis are clearly visible. In the wilderness or simply away from the people, for the first time, stand on crossy skis will be much more difficult.

Running on skis, you need to make sure that they are in parallel, and slightly bend legs in the knees. The torso should occupy a vertical position, legs should not be bent in the hips. It will help correctly, and most importantly evenly, distribute the weight on both legs. After the first stage is passed, and skiing will be comfortable, slightly slip on them. Just need to sharply move the legs forward, first one, then another to understand what power it takes to do.

Soon it will be clear that for the transformation of slip in motion, there is a significant strength of the legs. But first should learn how to fall and get up correctly. After falling the stick, set aside and adjust the skis so that they are parallel to, rolling, if they are confused. After skiing is rapidly, you need to kneel and, leaning on sticks, climb.

It is time to start moving. At this stage it is better to do without ski sticks. To move forward, the right leg needs to push down, in the snow. Do not try to push off, just push the snow. After transfer weight to the left foot, raising another ski slightly above the track. Hands should move just like a leg. If the movement began with the right leg, then the right hand should be located ahead, and the left - rear. Now, in order to continue slip, you need to push away with the left skiing, continuing the gliding right. The slip process will be much easier, if you catch a rhythm, during which it is easy not to get down from the step. The body in the process of sliding should be relaxed and slightly tilted forward.

After the sliding in the snow becomes easy, you can take sticks. And immediately after the start of movement, when you need to push the right leg in the snow and move the weight on the left, stick the left stick into the snow and push it with it, giving the body acceleration. When it is required to push the left foot, the acceleration will give the right stick. During the movement of the stick should stick as close as possible to himself, without pulling hands away.

If there was a hillock on the way, it can be climed by a way under the name "Christmas tree". To do this, turn out the stops outside and at the same time keep the ankles inside that the ski edges go to the snow in the shape of the letter V for a clearer clutch with it. At the same time, the equilibrium will have to be maintained with ski sticks.

Rising, you should definitely go down. It is best to start with small hillocks and gentle slopes. For descent, you need to lean a little forward and do not overdo it, but it is easy to lose the balance, and push off skiing. If there is no confidence in your abilities, then the tips of the skis direct so that they stick into the snow to the near edge, and go down the small chains.

Running skis contribute to the development of muscles not only the legs, but also the whole organism. They have a positive effect on the heart, lungs, blood circulation and skier's mood.

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hope 12/12/2016 at 21:17

Well, just sitting at the computer you will not learn)

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