How to choose skis for skate stroke

How to choose skis for skate stroke

Running skiing is traditionally divided into those designed for classic and skate stroke. In the first case, the skier moves the legs, having a skis parallel to each other, while skating the step is carried out as ice skating, while wider is wider, taking into account the length of each ski. Thus, walking, the skier focuses on the inner side of the ski to push the stronger. For effective running, the inventory must be selected correctly, taking into account all the nuances. What to pay attention to when choosing

The ski move is much more complicated than the classic one. This causes greater ski rigidity, which will allow stronger to repel. Of course, possessing classical skiing, you have a complete right to get acquainted with the technique of a skate stroke, but no more, since the costs of the forces will exceed the pleasure from speed. Another moment requiring attention is the texture of the lower surface. To prepare for high-speed driving skis, lubricate with special substances that create a better slip, and, accordingly, the ease and speed of riding. So the surface should be smooth. Attributes for the skate stroke there are no curved noses, and they are not so long as for classic walking.

Ski material for skating

High strength plastic is the material from which most models are produced. He practically pushed out a wooden market from the market. This is quite understandable: plastic is less likely breaking, it is easier to care for him, plastic is more practical in all respects.

Proper selection of ski stiffness

The method of determining this ski properties is unexpectedly simple. Put the selected model on the smooth floor. Stand on skis, watch the weight in proportion to the surface. Between the floor and the bottom side of the skiing should easily pass a sheet of paper. This simple manipulation will confirm the presence of a gap of 3-4 millimeters, which you need for a comfortable slip. Too tough skis will not provide you with a proper clutch with the surface, and a person with a lot of weight will be hard to repel and gain speed, because skis will be overlooking, and weight will be unevenly distributed.

A simplified way to test the rigidity of the skis exists, for this they do not have to "try". Just take two skis and, folding together, firmly squeeze. Finding the half-meter gap between them, you can take. A smaller gap will indicate the excessive softness of the model.

Ski length and stroke sticks

Children under 12 years old will suit the skiing length equal to their growth. If the young athlete is older than twelve, add to its growth of 10-15 cm, this will be the optimal length for it. To the growth of an adult add 25 cm.
As for sticks, their length should be 15-20 cm less growth. The material from which they made should be better. Models from carbon and carbon fiber - light, but expensive. Fiberglass products - what is needed for beginners, they are light, tough and inexpensive.

If you pick up the child's equipment, then consider all of the above recoming. In addition, remember: the boots are selected exactly in size. The models "to grow" are unacceptable, because the ankle in them will be poorly fixed, and the risk of injury will increase.

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