How to choose mountain skiing

How to choose mountain skiing

Mountain skiing are becoming more popular among winter sports lovers. And with the onset of the winter season, the question becomes a topical question "And how to choose mountain skiing"? Before going to the store, you need to decide on the choice of not only the firm, ski design, but also important characteristics, such as - length, radius, width, rigidity, ski design. Only branded shops offer goods worthy quality. To get a maximum of fun from riding, it is worth considering the following parameters.

Ski length. Will depend on growth and weight. For various ski styles, specific ski models are made. For beginners, as a rule, the length of the ski should be a rise in minus 20 cm. For those who are seriously configured to train, the ski length will be a height of minus 10 cm. Well, for those who are confident in their forces and is able to master a large number of slopes - Ski length will be equal to growth. For women and girls, they usually take another minus 5 cm or choose models designed specifically for them. Such skis is much easier by weight and have softer maneuverability. It is also worth considering the weight. If it is more average, choose skis by 5 cm longer.

Ski width and riding style are interconnected. Narrow skiing are good for riding on uneven descents and rigid slopes. For those who prefer to ride deep snow, wide skiing will be suitable. They are distinguished by speed. Given the experience of riding, newcomers are more convenient to ride wide skis, as they are stable at a small speed.

Ski rigidity is divided into two types: dynamic and torsion. The main indicator of rigidity is elasticity. Dynamic stiffness is measured along the skis. Symptoms depend on what route is intended for skis. Torsion rigidity is designed for beginners. Usually, rigidity is indicated in the ski specification. Newcomers should pay attention to the "soft" skis. Here you need to take into account the weight of the skier. What he fighters, the harder the skis he needs to choose. Hard skis are good because they help develop a decent speed without losing stability. With hardness indicators you can decide on your own. To do this, you need to take skis, combine them with sliding parties and compress in the middle with two fingers. If the skis squeezen easily, then the rigidity is soft. If you are squeezed with difficulty, then ski hard. Although manufacturers have already begun to produce skis with different rigidity through the length of the whole ski. It is done for various types of riding.

Ski design. Here the ski manufacturers are trying as they can. The stores offer a huge selection of color coloring. And if you wish, you can order any drawing on skis yourself. True, it will cost more expensive, but this will give a charm.

When choosing a mountain skiing, it is important to look at the firm that has proven itself as a great supplier of good products. It is necessary to read the reviews of mountain ski lovers, and compare the characteristics of various manufacturers. Thus, there is a chance to choose the mountain skiing exactly that will delight any winter.

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