How to learn how to ride skiing

How to learn how to ride skiing

One of the popular activities of active recreation is skiing. If you have not yet mastered the technique of this useful sport - do not be mistaken. In our article you will find tips, as not having a personal instructor, join this excellent atmosphere of ski resorts. You just need to learn the main nuances of the ski sport and the basics of skiing technology.

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that every newcomer will first look awkward on skis. Therefore, it is not worth it to be shy and neglect certain rules in order not to get serious injuries. If you have a minimum experience of riding on ordinary cross-country skiing - it's great for you! The ability to keep an equilibrium in combination with strong leg muscles will help anyone who wants to master the ski skiing technique as soon as possible.


The first is to take care of the gear. To do this, at the beginning of your training, take a meter:

  • skis;
  • sticks;
  • special boots;
  • helmet on the head;
  • knee pads and elbows.

In addition, take care of the previously convenient sportswear and shoes, so that at the moment of the first workouts, nothing has shone your movements. Tip: For beginners, it is better to rent unnecessary skis (from its growth take 20 cm), soft and wide. Sticks are better to take aluminum with simple tips. In the future, after mastering the oms of skiing, you will understand what equipment you can buy for continuous use.

Skis 4.

Choose to start learning a suitable, simple track. It is not necessary to wade into complex, steep slopes for descent. Of course, Ideally "put on skis" you should instructor. He will be able to quickly teach you the right rack, riding receptions and lightningly exclude all your mistakes so that they do not become habit in the future. But you can also seek help from friends. It is desirable that they are familiar with this sport. In the recent case, there must be any person who will help you climb to the feet in the event of a fall. By the way, to the last morally prepare, you will have to fall more than once.

Ski 1.

We proceed with the first experience of skating. Put on skis. It is better to learn how to do it in advance, perhaps - at home. This process looks like this: Position on Earth one ski parallel to the other, drain sticks on the sides, put a shoe toe into the front of the mount, go down to the heels. A distinct click indicating the closure of the attachment should be sounded. After both skiing are put on, take sticks in your hands - you are ready to learn the main rack of the skier:

  • feet wider shoulders;
  • bend your knees before touching your shoes with the top of the boot;
  • raise your head, look forward;
  • round the back and spread your shoulders;
  • bend your hands in the elbows, lay the sticks on the weight in front of the housing.

Check that in this rack you have experienced discomfort. Otherwise, something is fulfilled.

If the rack is chosen correctly - take on to move on skis along a flat surface. Then proceed to the first descent. To begin with, put skis in parallel and slowly slide through the snow, you do not need to go. When sliding, help yourself with sticks. You can try to move ski alternately - putting forward left leg and right hand, and then - on the contrary. In addition, learn how to stop, put the top side of the skate line across the line. After you have trained and a little mastered skating, you can start studying more complex elements (turns, the rise of the "ladder", etc.) and the conquest of new tracks. IMPORTANT: It is necessary to master the right style of falling - an ability, spreading the widespread hands and turning the head down.

Ski 5.

Held the art of skiing in perfection is very difficult. Even experienced skiers cannot do these. However, for the beginner it is enough to master the equipment, master the main rack for the descent and learn how to fall correctly. This will be enough for pastime in the mountains unforgettable and extreme.

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