How to learn to turn the hoop

How to learn to turn the hoop

Tighten your belly or achieve a thin waist is easy if we use the hoop. It is enough to give this lesson for 15 minutes a day - and the result will not make yourself wait a long time.

We select the necessary hoop. Light plastic hoops swing the muscles of the press, heavy metal - help reduce the volume and formation of a thin waist.

Choose a spacious workout space that household items do not interfere with our classes.

We are engaged in an empty stomach, we begin training with a small workout:

  • We make circular motions to the left and right;
  • Tilting the body forward, back, right, left;
  • 10 ordinary squats to strain legs.

The distance between the legs is a bit already the widths of the shoulders, follow the posture, the back should be smooth.

Take the hoop and posted in his center. Do not turn the hoop on a bare abdomen, wear a dense sweater or a special training belt under it, otherwise bruises may form. If the layer of clothes did not save, do not worry, during the month the bruises will come off and will no longer appear.

We begin to rotate the hoop, only the abdominal muscles are involved, movement of calm and rhythmic movements. Hips and chest remain smooth and still. Hands are kept behind your head, chanting in the "Castle", or on the sides, begging in the elbows.

During the exercise, we delineate the waist of small circles. If the hoop begins to fall, then you accelerate the rotation or a little squat and sharply straighten, then the hoop will jump up.

Do not diligence on the first day. Increase loads gradually. After classes, it is recommended to repeat the warm-up.

Follow the tips - and you will definitely learn to turn the hoop.

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