Hula hoop hoop how to use

Hula hoop hoop how to use

Hula-HuP is familiar to us since childhood, however, then we called it easier - hoop. And if in childhood he was perceived as a fun game, now it can be successfully used to create a beautiful figure. It turns out that Hula-HUP with regular use can significantly adjust your forms. And we will tell you how to most effectively use Hula-Hupe to become slimmer.

Positive effects of exercises with Hula-Hup

Despite the fact that in the main wrap spinning at the level of the waist, during the exercises with it not only the press, but also buttocks, hips, and the sameness muscles are included with it. Many believe that the effect of reducing volumes from working with Hula-Hupe is achieved by the "breaking" of fats. In fact, the intensive mechanical effect of the hoop on the tissue leads to an increase in the blood supply to the contacts of contact, and the blood brings oxygen to them, which is actively "taken" for the splitting of the fatty layer. In addition, this abdominal wall massage is an excellent stimulation of intestinal peristals and prevention of constipation.

What are the hoops for weight loss

Today manufacturers offer several types of Hula-Hup. The easiest and usual for us is the usual, hollow inside, gymnastic hoop. It can be metallic or plastic. A more significant variant is a weighty hoop (solid, without cavity inside) weighing from 0.5 to 2 kg, which has a more intensive impact on the muscles. There are also more modern varieties of Hula-Hup with massage and / or magnetic nozzles. In these hoops, the effect of mechanical exposure is complemented by massage and / or magnetic fields, as a result of which the blood supply to the body sections in the explosion zone of Hula-Hup is even more intensified. Among the modern types of losing weight gains, you can find hoops from reinforced rubber - Gimflexor. Its due to flexibility can be used as a simulator for other muscle groups (the inside of the thigh, hands, chest, etc.).

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Principles of Choice Hula-Hup

Due to the fact that there are several types of losing weight gains with different influence intensity, you need to choose them. Those who are just starting their way to beauty, it is better to start with an ordinary gymnastic hoop. It will form the skills of the correct handling of this sports accessory (rotation, pace, duration). More prepared in the physical plane, you can choose a weighty hula-chup, which is due to weighting gives a good load on the muscles. Weight choose it depending on how much you are physically trained and experienced in terms of the skills of rotation of the hoop. The next step of mastering the hoop for weight loss is the use of massage hula-hup. Here it is necessary to take into account that without experience with lighter hoops, the use of such Hula-Hup will initially be painful and leave after himself traces (bruises). Also preliminary preparation require magnetic hoops and gimflexor.

How to do with Hula-Hup

To avoid discomfort and bruises, start working with a hoop in dense clothing or a loss belt. With the last to twist Hula-HUP even more profitable, since the burning of fats in such a tandem occurs more intensively. Only when your body gets used to such a mechanical exposure, you can gradually move on direct impact, that is, on a naked body. For exercises, become straight, putting the legs on the width of the shoulders (or slightly wider) and collecting socks outward. During the exercises, try to strain the muscles of the press, buttocks and hips. Gradually, mastering in the handling of Hula-Hupe, you can put your legs closer to each other, make attacks, become on socks, etc.

How much and when to deal with a hoop for weight loss

Plan your classes between meals - no earlier than 2 hours after meals and 1 hour before meals. This period is most favorable for physical exertion, since the intensive fat burning process is launched. Start with 10 minutes, gradually bringing the duration of classes to optimal - 30-40 minutes. After completion of the exercise, you can drink a glass of non-carbonated water.

Enter the daily exercises with Hula-Huup to your day, combining them with listening to music or watching TV - and soon you will see how effective such a pleasant alignment can be. What exercises can be performed with a hoop for weight loss, look at the video.

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