The presence of a convex belly is the problem of many women who have children. But girls who have not yet experienced the joy of maternity, are also trying to get rid of fat deposits on the waist. The reasons for the growth of belly is very much, and the representative of the beautiful floor does not always affect them.
Most often, the "belly" grows after the birth of a child. This is due to hormonal changes and weakening of the muscles of the press. After childbirth, women who born large children suffer from diastasis - the discrepancy of the abdominal muscles. Even under the condition of frequent physical exercises and training with a convex belly, nothing can be done. Diastasis is a problem that an experienced osteopath or surgeon can solve. You absolutely usefully useful with hula-chup. From the divergence of muscles you can get rid of a special postpartum belt or corset.- excessive food consumption containing sugar and carbohydrates;
- lack of physical activity;
- features of the shape, in which fat accumulates only on the stomach;
- constant stress and overeating;
- abuse of alcohol drinks;
- hormone imbalance;
- tumor in the uterine cavity;
- inflammatory diseases of the uterus;
- distracy.
- great consumption of fried and salted food;
- love for beer;
- diabetes;
- permanent footing;
- hypertension.
In the crumpled drink there are substances, in its action similar to the women's hormones. That is why representatives of the strong half of humanity, daily drinking 1 liters of beer, can recover by 10 kg in a year.
So that the figure is always sports, regardless of the floor, it is necessary to eat well and attend the gym. At the same time, it is not always necessary to resort to strength training. Sufficiently simple exercises aimed at strengthening all muscle groups.