Molenia is a congenital spot on the skin, they are present from almost all people. Conventional flat nevuses that are dark spots should not cause anxiety. Particular attention should be paid to convex moles that resemble warts. With the slightest changes in shape and color it is worth checking the birthside on the oncology.
If you have a mole, which over the past few years has not changed in any way, the treatment is not required. But if for several months, the size of the neoplasm has increased significantly, or it has changed its painting, it is necessary to obtain a consultation of the dermatologist. Sometimes large convex moles can turn into melanoma - malignant tumor. Why does Melanoma arise? In most cases, this disease is transmitted genetically. But if you are abuse of staying in the sun or adore the solarium, then the melanin is actively produced in skin cells. When it is rebupping, the moles are reborn into malignant tumors. When detecting on the body of a new mole, which is not planned and reminds the painted wart, check the dermatologist. It is worth paying attention to the skin of the skin around the nevus. If you feel pain in the Mountain, it may be a reason for concern.- cryodestruction;
- laser vaporization;
- radionogo;
- electrocoagulation;
- surgical excision.
In no case do not resort to the removal of the nevus yourself, you can aggravate the situation.
Do not make yourself diagnoses, it is only a specialist in force. If necessary, you will make a biopsy of a suspicious area. After receiving the results of the analysis, the doctor will be able to determine the tactics of treatment.
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