How to check the heart

How to check the heart

According to its sizes, the heart of a person corresponds to his fist. Someone has more, someone has less, but despite this, in a day any heart passes hundreds of blood liters through himself, directing it to all internal organs, in all parts of the body. The work of the heart is directly related to our life, so it is very important to periodically resort to his examination, and if necessary, to treatment. Pain in the chest, a feeling of burning, tingling, shortness of breath, too frequent heartbeat - all this indicates a heart failure and is an indisputable reason for the survey.

A qualitative, accurate and comprehensive heart survey can be carried out only in a medical facility. To carry out such a survey, you need to contact the cardiologist. At the reception at the doctor clearly and comprehensively describe him the sensations of feelings - it will help a little to save time and speed up the definition of the correct diagnosis.

The easiest way to determine the presence of heart problems, which a cardiologist can use directly in his office - measuring blood pressure. If the pressure is too high or vice versa is too low - this indicates the real presence of deviations in the work of the heart and serves as a reason for the appointment of a thorough examination. In order for the results of pressure measurement corresponds to reality - do not smoke and do not take toning drinks two hours before the procedure.

To test the heart, the doctor may assign you a biochemical blood test or electrocardiography. The analysis will be able to show the presence of inflammatory and other negative processes in the body, and the electrocardiogram will allow in detail the rhythm of the heart of the heart and exclude myocardial infarction. Purchase on an empty stomach or 12 hours after meals, if you make a cardiogram - come to the procedure two hours after smoking or meals.

To determine the presence of ischemic heart disease, there is such a procedure as a cycle ergometry - a physical test, during which you have to rotate the pedal of a special simulator, which will display your blood pressure and electrocardiography curve under real physical activity.

A very common way to verify internal organs is ultrasound - with respect to heart, this procedure is called an echocardiogram. Internal organs are examined using a pulsed ultrasound, which reflected from different sections, gives a picture of the state of the organ.

Coronoangiography is the most difficult and expensive study of the heart, which is prescribed only in emergency cases. During the examination, the patient introduces a contrast agent that fills the arterial lumets and displays damaged areas. This procedure is carried out only in hospital patients before conducting an operation on the heart.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the medical institution - a simple test will help you to check the work of the heart. Before starting the exercise, count the pulse, then become straight, putting the legs together. Perform twenty slow squats, during which raise your hands in front of you. After completing the exercise, count your pulse. The acceleration of the pulse by 25-50% indicates that your heart is in good condition and there are no problems with it. If the pulse frequency increases by 75% or more - try to visit the cardiologist as quickly as possible.

It does not matter where you caught unpleasant sensations in the field of the heart - at home or at work, immediately challenge everything and refer to the specialists. A timely examination of the heart will help not only help avoid illness, but also keep your life.

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Lera 25/12/2019 at 6:52.

I have every six months in mandatory ECG. If everything is fine with him, it is not necessary, to be honest. And as a rule, everything is fine)) thanks to my lifelong prevention. Sports always worked, the power properly adhered too. Now there are still courses in obligatory dihydrokvercetin (I order on shop. Evallar, so cheaper). My 65 has something to be proud))

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