How to calm the pulse

How to calm the pulse

Tachycardia - acceleration of the pulse frequency over 90 shots / min. The duration of increased heartbeat and pulse increases can be observed from seconds to several hours or day. Not frequent and not long tachycardia is not dangerous, is not a disease, does not require treatment. To calm the pulse, you will need: a tincture of a hawthorn (alcohol), a tincture of propolis (alcohol), "Corvalol", "Valokordin" or "Valoserdin", Valerian root, mother-in-law, Melissa or green tea.

Stop doing physical work, relax, calm down. Try to breathe deeply, smoothly, give access to fresh air: Open the window, the window.

You can immerse the face for a few seconds in the bowl with cold water. If the heartbeat does not stop, then it is not associated with excessive physical activity.

You can slow the heartbeat with the help of medicines: "Corvalol", "Valokordin", "Voserdin". In 30 ml of water, add 10 - 40 drops, drink. If there are intolerance to these drugs, then refrain from them.

Folk Medicine proposes to use medicinal herbs for the treatment of tachycardia. Park the glass of boiling water is a crushed napper root, crushed hawthorn berries or valerian medicinal (enough two tablespoons). Cover and leave for an hour. It is necessary to drink the resulting tincture of 50 ml (approximately 3 st. Composition) three times a day. With their absence, you can brew melissa or green tea. Helps if the heartbeat is caused by stress.

It is possible to reduce the heart rate by taking a tincture of a mixture of propolis and hawthorn. In one container, mix the contents of both bubbles. To drink three times a day for half an hour before the meal of 25-30 drops up to the end of the mixture.

You can buy a pulse frequency by applying a reflexive effect: to detain the breath of the seconds by 40, squeeze the abdominal press with his hands, not strongly press the fingers on the eyeballs. The point massage contributes to the normalization of the pulse. The right points are at the base of the nail of the maiden and the thumb. Massage these points, easy to bite your teeth or with a match.

If all the estimated funds do not help, then the only way out of the situation is to contact a cardiologist, call an ambulance.

Tachycardia is not a disease. This is a separate manifestation, may be a symptom of the disease. The cheating of the pulse can be caused by a fright or too large exercise. Frequent acceleration of the pulse, the heartbeat leads to the wear of the heart muscle, which can cause a stroke or a sudden heart stop. Magnesium and calcium preparations strengthen the walls of the vessels, but the attending physician consultation is required for their reception.

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Arkady 25/09/2018 at 17:25

I recently, the pulse is so studied, the heart rhythm is broken. It is worth drinking a little wine or brandy, so the heart jumps down ..

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Michael 09/26/2018 at 17:26

Arkady, you may have alcoholic neuropathy, I had it so. I remember Tiocutacid I remember on the recommendation of the doctor, helped well. But with brandy it is better to tie, since such a thing.

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Pelagia 20/11/2018 at 7:34

Me, too, a rapid pulse bothered one time. At first, I thought it was a heart Shalit, and it turned out to be a climax ... but thank God, from these unpleasant symptoms managed to get rid of. Take the cycle and infusions on Salfa-pah pah, now everything is fine)

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