How to calm nerves

How to calm nerves

Almost everyone came across that he began to notice the manifestations of unusual emotions and feelings: anger, aggression, irritability, quick-temperedness, apathy, uncertainty, anxiety. But all this refers to the signs of nervous disorder caused, as a rule, overwork, experiences for any reasons. Especially characteristic such situations for people hiding and accumulating their emotions. But no wonder they say: the nerves are not iron. Any system, including nervous, sooner or later gives a failure. It is not worth ignoring such signals, because the CNZ is responsible for all our organism, and the consequences on the non-tension in time can affect your health.

Of course, the perfect option is to learn to fully control your feelings, emotions, to prevent all their attempts to prevent you on the root. You can stop taking unpleasant situations that wait for us around, close to heart. Assist in this technique of respiratory gymnastics and meditation. Courses, educational techniques, are currently in most cities. Select the time and sign up for them, because spiritual equilibrium contributes to solving the mass of problems. Increased demanding to yourself - a direct way to a failure in the work of the CNS, because try to get rid of overpriced claims to your personality. Be sure to indulge yourself at least at the weekend of time to your favorite lesson, which brings sincere joy, sense of satisfaction. In order not to break on your loved ones, it is better to unlock alone, listen to relaxing music, take a bath with air foam and soothing herbs, remember the most favorite moments from the past, better if it is something funny. Just do not get closed in yourself, this is not a way out.


No less effectively overstrain remove the walks in the fresh air, jogging in the morning. Just do not overdo it so that the physical empty is not added. Massage is very effective. Sign up for the procedure or make it yourself, preferably with essential oils. If there is an opportunity, look at your favorite movie, and even better - go to the movies. Try to raise. When problems with nerves, adjust your diet. Enter into it papaya, orange, pall beans, butat, all green vegetables, milk, yogurt, pasta, bitter chocolate, oats, honey, nuts. Refuse from coffee, he is the causative agent of the nervous system. Forget about alcoholic beverages, it is easier from them if it becomes, then for a very short time, but then it will be only worse. Drink better decoction of rosehip, seeding of herbal teas from Melissa, Mint, Cyprus, Cabin, Dashtroke, Linden Flowers.


If you calm you need to urgently, throw your emotions on any subject (box pillow, kick the sofa, write an angry letter, with a force of joining the handle or pencil - paper erased everything). Follow the usual balloons and, if necessary, blow the whole negative in them, trying to do it quickly. Find a deserted, quiet place and put all anger in your voice, allowing yourself to shout. And you did not try to beat the dishes? It's a pity and I don't want to clean, right? You will not believe, but some specifically for this purpose acquire unbreakable cups and plates. Nerves, as they say, more expensive. So that in the heat of anger or irritation do not be loaded to relatives or colleagues, instead of a momentary answer, hold your breath as far as possible, then imagine yourself with a boiling kettle and mentally release steam, while in the reality exhausted. Or, turning on the imagination, handle yourself with fish, which if anyone cannot answer. Believe me, with due fancy it helps, some disassemble the unrestrained laughter. What is the rudeness?

Inflate the ball

To calm your nerves, use drugs, such as Persen, Valemidine, New Passita, Glycide, Adonis Brom, Valerian, from Drops Corwalol and Valokordin. Eightly effective eglonil, phenibut, aminazine, triftatazine, modita, but to write a recipe for them should a doctor, consult a neurologist. Keep in mind that these funds are not so harmless. Not excess will be resorted to folk methods and procedures. Try this: connect two spoons of table melissa and a liter of white dry wine, insist the half months in a dark place, not forgetting to shabby. Then the infusion is resurrected, use 30 ml three times per day. Or take a chamber, plantain, a dying machine, crushed rosehip fruits, Valerian roots, each two tea spoons, pour half liters boiling water, insist and strain an hour. Take after meals, on a teaspoon twice a day. This recipe will help and this recipe: one hundred grams of hawthorn fruits pour hot water with a glass, boil a quarter of an hour. Drink 100 ml every day.


Remember that the nervous overvoltage is fraught with hypertension, endocrine disorders, stroke and infarction, oncology. This will serve as a reason to avoid once again stressful situations and follow their health.


Comments leave a comment
Olya 10/07/2018 at 11:34.

I had an increased irritability against the background of permanent tides at menopause. These are these throws in the heat, then in the cold, very strained. Now began to take the cycle alanine and tea with mint-ceased to psychore, the tides are not bothering more .... so what is better to know the reason, but on the basis of this dance, as they say)

Nastya 27/10/2018 at 23:04

In the afternoon, I feel fatigue and emotional tension, and what would somehow calm yourself, weave mint, but after it I somehow in sleep clone. Therefore, I found a better tool, called the Evalarov soothing day bio tea, which really removes the tension, and leads an emotional state to normal, and most importantly, after him I do not want to sleep, and then you work energetically. The cost is budget, but the highest quality, all the ingredients of this tea are collected in Altai

Nona 13/10/2021 at 18:02.

It is possible to go to a psychologist, a psychotherapist to walk. Do meditations and yoga. But if the hormonal balance is not in order, all this will be meaningless. I had it so during a climax. PLMOGLO Fix the situation only that he began to accept the ice formula more than multivitamins. It is good that there are just a phytoestrogenic plants that help cope with this problem. I think most women will appreciate. + Immunity strengthening (vitamins C, d, zinc and echinacea).


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