How to get rid of nervous tick

How to get rid of nervous tick

Nervous tick may arise for various reasons. In some people, he passes after taking sedatives and good sleep. But in other situations, twitching can be lingering for weeks, months and lifetime. In this case, it is necessary to deal with the reason for their appearance and begin to take action.

In this article, we will consider the following ways to eliminate the nervous tick: Introduction of new food habits, restoration of the nervous system, relaxation of the eyes (if the violation is manifested in the eye), aromatherapy, receiving soothing infusions and additional tips. It is recommended to use them in the complex.

Proper nutrition. Many people underestimate the importance of the presence in the body of calcium, magnesium and glycine. But it is the lack of calcium expressed in convulsions and spasms. Magnesium helps calcium better absorbed, and glycine normalizes the operation of the central nervous system. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes with these components. Before taking vitamins do common cleaning of the body and separate cleaning from parasites. The presence of the latter can provoke the occurrence of nervous tick. Nutrition Recommendations:

  • Try to consume more rye bread, buckwheat cereals, beans, peas.
  • In your diet, dairy products, vegetables and greens must be present.
  • Useful components for the nervous system contains salmon, tuna, red fish.
  • From time to time to indulge yourself with fruits, especially bananas, as well as drinkers, black currant and chocolate.
  • Do not drink strong tea and reduce the consumption of coffee.

Restoration of the nervous system. Teach yourself to abstract from negative situations and degrade from conflicts. If possible, change the situation for a while. If you have a psychological problem, do not pull and visit the psychotherapist. The sooner you begin to engage in your health, the faster get rid of unnecessary tension and nervous tick. Read more about the restoration of the nervous system you can read here.

Relaxing eyes. Nervous tick in his eyes may indicate their fatigue. It is important to sleep in time and get enough sleep well, from time to time to be off the computer and relax your eyes, as well as stop reading books with bad lighting, lying on the road. If you feel overvoltage, follow the next exercise. Squate comfortably, close your eyes, and without opening your mouth, say the letter "s". Imagine that on your face there are drops of warm summer rain and relax every muscle. After 5-7 minutes, relaxation will come, and ticks will stop.

Aromatherapy. Oils are known for their relaxing properties. If you feel irritable, drop 1 drop of lavender essential oil, cinnamon, geranium, melissa or tea tree on the handkerchief. Also from time to time ignite the aromatic lamp and take the bath with oils. The right smell will relax you and configure the spirit of the Spirit. There is another good way - put a dried chamomile (lavender flowers or rose petals) in the bag.

Soothing infusion. You will need chamomile flowers, Valerian root, mint leaves and melissa in a 3: 2: 2 ratio. Brew 1 tbsp. l. Listed herbs on a glass. The decoction is recommended to take 1 cup 3 times a day. All herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy. Fitotherapists argue that this drink soothes and contributes to the restoration of the nervous system.

Supplements. Each evening, make hiking in the fresh air for at least an hour. Your schedule does not suffer from this greatly, but health improves significantly. If possible, visit the pool regularly. Water procedures have a beneficial effect not only on the nervous system, but also for all the work of the body as a whole.

If Tick pursues you enough long, contact the neuropathologist. Depending on the form of disorder, the doctors prescribe antidepressants, neuroleptics, antiepileptic agents. In some cases, treatment is complemented by acupuncture, psychotherapy, orthopedic correction, etc.

Comments leave a comment
Lisa 12/05/2020 at 0:29

Probably everyone came across twisted the eye. It certainly does not hurt, but unpleasant. And distracts strongly. I have it happens when a large amount of computer work. Help five minute breaks. I look out the window. I look at the trees, clouds ... or brewing a circular tea. Evalarov Bio Tea Day soothing well helps to get together with thoughts, concentrate, gives cheerfulness. At the same time soothes.

Tina 13/10/2021 at 18:10

I encountered a similar problem when the climax began. No wonder they say that the nervous system is very beginning to suffer. Therefore, on the advice of the doctor bought himself a formula for more than multivitamins. There, by the way, it is good that there are phytoestrogenic plants that help support the hormonal balance. Based on this and the nerves also come in order. I even had a stronger immunity, solid advantages.


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