How to get rid of insomnia

How to get rid of insomnia

If earlier it was believed that only older people suffer from insomnia, then in our days, young people and even children can fall asleep in hope. What are the reasons for insomnia, and how to find a deserted strong dream?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the causes of the symptoms of this ailment. Doctors believe that it is necessary to clearly distinguish between three types of insomnia: difficulty in falling asleep, with support for sleep and too early awakening.

If sleep does not come all, and this condition can last for hours, the doctor diagnoses a violation of sleep, which occurs most frequently. The reason for this symptom can be a strong overwork, stress, under the influence of which inhibit the natural processes of the nervous system. Worth trying to overcome fatigue: a walk before going to bed, drink camomile tea with honey or warm milk, meditate in silence under the light music. You can take a warm bath with the addition of pine extract, aromomasel lavender, jasmine or a fragrant foam or sea salt.

5 Sleep rules

If disturbed sleep disorders, frequent awakenings, and in the morning - feeling tired, you should analyze the causes of such symptoms. This is possible when falling asleep in a new, unfamiliar place, or in the case when a person is experiencing stress long and painful thoughts do not allow him to sleep. Waking up in the night, it is not necessary to strain to sleep. Better tune in a quiet way, imagine paintings with landscapes, kittens or babies - everyone knows that gives him a sense of peace. It helps slow deep breath. Breath - at the expense of one to three, breath-holding - at the expense of three to one, exhale - at the expense of one to four. Many helps fragrant pillow, made of natural fabric and filled with herbs (lavender, oregano, thyme, mint, sage, knobs of hops, pine needles).

The most serious symptom is considered early awakening. If the dream is interrupted after a few hours of dorms, and it is no longer possible to fall asleep, it is worth consulting a doctor. This may indicate endocrine disorders or sclerosis of the brain vessels, if it comes to an elderly person.

Several episodes of hard fall asleep or restless sleep are not yet anything. It is necessary to analyze its physical and mental state, determine the causes of such problems and try to solve them. Perhaps it is necessary to spend less time before the computer or to understand your experiences, visit the psychologist.

Sometimes the causes of insomnia are very trivial - overeating before bedtime, lack of physical activity or overwork, watching too emotional films or stress, then you need to choose your way to overcome sleep disorders. If the insomnia is tormented systematically, it may indicate serious health problems, and you do not stand the visit to the doctor.

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Zhanna 03/05/2018 at 14:47

I recently suffered with a dream .... In my case, essential oils helped (either mashed them on whiskey, or just sniffed ... sometimes she took relaxing baths with them) and glycine forte. In principle, nothing more did nothing to restore sleep, it turned out quite enough. After a month, the dream returned to normal and I forgot about insomnia ... So I recommend to try such a method, suddenly someone will help))

Julia 07/16/2018 at 9:00

And I have insomnia appeared during the period of Klimaks .. And threw it in the heat, then in the cold at night, at all, it was not to sleep (I had to cut the ice formula of menopause to get rid of the symptoms. Another normalize sleep helped her inhales in front of bed (which herself helped Collected and dried) Now it is my everyday ritual))


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