How to get rid of Ikota

How to get rid of Ikota

Each of us worried Icoto - a non-discomfort, dreaming to learn how to get rid of it. If we consider the ICOT from the point of view of medicine, then there is an involuntarily rejection through the voice slot, which is currently eager or closed completely. Consider several reasons why IKOT arises, and tell about the ways to overcome it.

Ikota comes for different reasons:

  • It can be explained by the supercooling of the body or excessive overeating.
  • Bruep with alcoholic beverages is also one of the causes of the ailment.
  • Medicine suggests that the muscles are reduced involuntarily and are at the heart of the problem associated with the irritation of the esophagus. Spasms most often arise at the place of transition of the esophagus in the stomach. They can cause incomplete meal or violation of the swallowing process.
  • When ICOT rarely happens, it is not particularly worried. But with frequent manifestations, it may indicate the flow of some diseases. A frequent idol can be considered a symptom for renal failure or disorders of the spinal cord.
  • Sometimes it is caused by strong stressful situations or fear.


But despite the specified symptoms, doctors do not call the true causes of Icotes, there is also no single method that can save people from her. There are several different methods, consider them in more detail:

  1. To guaranteed a hike, you can apply the so-called reflex method. It is required to push the root of the tongue to fingers to stimulate vomiting, a spasm will arise in the esophagus, it will remove the diaphragm spasm, and the idol will pass.
  2. You can drive a hiking with water. Required by small sips to use a glass of liquid. It will wash the residues of food that are in a sip and esophagus. An irritation of the nerve of the diaphragm will be therefore, therefore, and the IKOT will end.
  3. If there is a lemon at hand, then you need to suck and swallow a piece. When something bitter or sour will fall into the esophagus and the stomach, the spasms are stopped.
  4. After several deep breaths, you need to delay your breath, then breathe air into the package, then breathe out of it. With this exercise, blood is saturated with carbon dioxide, and unpleasant spasms will quickly cease.
  5. A little exotic method: dissolve fifty grams of sugar at 0.5 glasses of beer and drink this mixture, they say well helps.

Sometimes ICOT is associated with more serious reasons. When inflammation of the lungs, the infection may irritate a diaphragm. An excessive increase in the liver is also annoying it and causes Icot. Therefore, if it does not pass more than an hour or arises several times a day, then you need to consult a doctor so that he prescribes a survey to clarify the true causes of the ailment.

However, it is not necessary to worry prematurely, in most cases ICOT - albeit annoying, but harmless phenomenon.

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