How to Stop Icot

How to Stop Icot

Probably, each of us at least once found the ICOT at the most inopportune moment. At such moments it seems that it is almost impossible to stop it, and this unpleasant process will last forever. In this case, the Ikota from Fedot to Yakov seems not a very logical idea, but fortunately, there are several truly effective modern ways that will help restore breathing and stop peashed diaphragm reductions.

The most popular worldwide way that helps in most cases is to hold the breath and drink a glass of cold water. It will be better if you eat a lemon slice in front of it or put a sugar spoon on a tongue.

The authorship of the following method is assigned to Russian ballerinas. To stop hiking quickly, you need to make hands behind your back and lean forward. The head at the same time should be thrown back. Someone should help you hold a glass of water from which you will drink while in this uncomfortable posture. If there is no one near anyone who would help you, try the full mouth of the water in advance and, having accepted the right position, swallow it with small sips.

The people there are an opinion that if unexpectedly frighten a person - he will immediately stop ick. Therefore, if someone next to you is increasingly, you can remember this method and try it

Another way is to breathe during Icotes through a paper bag. Tightly attach it to the face, clamp the edges and breathe in the package until the air in it is over. During this time, the ICTO should stop.

The next popular method of getting rid of Ikota is to delay breathing for a long time. Inhale and do not breathe as long as you can. During this time, your diaphragm must relax, and you stop ick.

Some helps such a strange way: you need to narrow the tongue as far as possible and, grabbing yourself for the tip of the tongue with your right hand, pull a little. Funny, but it can really help.

Another option that helps get rid of these unpleasant sensations is to rub or ripped the tongue of the sky. This method will have to be by the way if ICOT found you in a public place.

Some advise during Ikota to try not to dwell and do not think about it. Translate your attention to something else. Take care of reading, for example. Or, as an option, attach a finger to the nose and look at it carefully. Try at this moment to think only about the finger and not to be distracted by anything else. For a minute, the IKOT should disappear.

The inhabitants of the southern regions of Texas have its own people's way to get rid of ICOT. They obey the red thread on the head in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridges, and for some time a person really stops sick. This method is often used when the babies are dying, it may help, because the child transfers his attention to the bright thread.

Tangle thread

Sometimes Ikota pursues a person daily for many years. So, for example, American Charles Osborne Ikal as much as 68 years old and even got into the Book of Records Guinis! At the same time, the man led a healthy lifestyle, was married and became the father of eight children.

It should be worried if the ICOT does not stop more than an hour, the attacks are repeated several times during the day and accompanied with the chest pain. In this case, immediately consult a doctor and pass the survey. Perhaps the doctor will assign you to take the barium mixture and make x-rays to check if there are any obstacles in the esophagus. After that, drugs will be prescribed to you will help to deal with the problem.

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