How to stop bleeding after removing the tooth

How to stop bleeding after removing the tooth

The situation when after removing the tooth, the bleeding is not stopped, it is possible in two cases: the pressure (hypertension) increased or with a difficult removal (wisdom teeth), a large vessel was held. In this case, the doctor connects the edges of the wound with a special seam or imposes a hemostatic sponge absorbing blood. But sometimes bleeding begins at home or at night. What to do in such cases, we will find out in this article.

First of all, evaluate the complexity of the situation - if you often flatten the blood, then you need to go to the hospital at the duty so that the doctor puts the seams and reduced the edges of the wound.

Blood 11.

If the bleeding is minor, then you can apply ice outside to the cheek in the place where the tooth was removed. Repeat the procedure several times at the intervals of 5 minutes.

Blood 2.

Sterile gloves roll the tampon from a sterile bandage and put it on the wound surface. Be sure to observe the antiseptic so as not to put the microbes in the bowl of the tooth. Squeeze the jaws tight to stop the blood loss, and keep the tampon 30-40 minutes.

Blood 3.

Measure arterial pressure, and if it is increased - take the appropriate medication.

Blood 4.

If dizziness and weakness added to bleeding - without delay, call an ambulance, which will take you to the hospital for the overlay of the seams. After the procedure, you will soon let go home.

Blood 5.

The patient needs to comply with uncomplicated rules after removing the tooth: not to drink alcohol and do not smoke, do not take a hot bath, do not produce active mimic movements and exercise. And then the risk of bloodstures after removing the tooth will be minimal, and you will soon be able to return to your daily life and classes.

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