How to stop blood from the nose

How to stop blood from the nose

Nasal bleeding occurs when the integrity of the nose vessels is violated. Causes can be both injuries and various diseases. With little bleeding, you can cope at home, regardless of the cause of its occurrence. To do this, you will need: ice, hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool or gauze cuts, napkins.

The patient is asked to visor well and comfortably to squeeze on the sofa or in a chair.

Mix the hydrogen peroxide tightly twisted a piece of cotton wool or gauze cut (bandage). Tampony bleeding nasal stroke. Watts can be mixed up with any drops that narrow vessels (naphtizin, for example).

Ask the patient to cure the nasal wings to the nasal septum fingers. Keep so no more than 10 minutes.

Ice or any package from the freezer (frozen, fruit meat) wrap in a towel and attach to the bridge and forehead area. Such a cold compress is kept no more than 20 minutes.

If the discharge of blood from the nasal moves does not stop after all procedures after 30-40 minutes, then you need to consult a doctor! We need a consultation of a specialist and in the event that bleeding occurs systematically, or more often 1 time per week.

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