How to treat adenoids in children

How to treat adenoids in children

Adenoids called overgrown tonsils, which bring a lot of trouble - the child is often sick colds, snoring, suffer from nasal congestion and allergy prone. Most effective treatment possible to achieve in the early stages, but as they say, better late than never.

Try to avoid adenoiditis development and begin treatment on time. If you notice that the child was often catch cold and hard to breathe at night, show it to the otolaryngologist. If it turns out that the amygdala increased slightly in volume, but the inflammatory process has not started yet, quite regularly to wash the nose or herbal pharmacy drugs. It is important to learn how to do it right. During the washes the child should not tilt your head sideways, otherwise the agent can get into the ear and cause inflammation. Ask your toddler to tilt your head down and your mouth open (so that he drowned).

For regular washes use decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, succession or sea salt. Very effective is the decoction of eucalyptus (sold in the pharmacy). Crush a few leaves of plants - should get a tablespoon. Then fill their cup of boiling water and leave in a thermos at least an hour. Receive the infusion must gargle after every meal. It is preferable to use a fresh infusion. In extreme cases, put it in the refrigerator and keep no more than 2 days (do not forget to warm up before use).

You can also use pharmaceutical preparations, for example, "Protargolum". This means the child is necessary to dig the nose twice a day. It will help to reduce the overgrown tissue and little will dry it. You can use the "Protargolum" only after washing.

Many parents report that with regular use of goat milk adenoids begin to decrease. One glass will be very useful in the day, but it is recommended to drink at least two glasses of milk every day.

One of the most effective means in the treatment of adenoid is aloe juice. Install two drops of fresh juice into the nose to the child for the night. Experts note that this method allows to reduce adenoids after a few weeks later. This does not apply to launched cases.

In the treatment of adenoids, natural homeopathic remedies have been perfectly established - small granules for intake, which must be taken according to a special scheme. But they should be used only in the complex with traditional medicine. It is also necessary to strengthen the immune system of the child. Include vitamins and useful products in its diet. Very effective daily walks in the fresh air and healthy sleep.

In some cases, the increase and inflammation of adenoid tissue is caused by allergies or chronic inflammatory disease. If so, it is necessary to cure the reason, after which the problem of adenoids will disappear.

In the second and third stage of the disease, the tissue of the tonsils grow strongly, the child practically can not breathe through the nose, regularly caresses, snores strongly at night, henifice appears. In this case, medication is hardly able to help. Parents will be offered a laser operation to remove born almonds (adenotomy). To do this, it is necessary to completely withdraw a child from the colder state.

The launched adenoids are fraught with a decrease in hearing, deformation of bones, changes in the composition of blood, the appearance of speech dysfunction, nervous disorders and other complications. Adenotomy is a big stress for the child, so when the first signs of the disease, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

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