Vitiligo in children how to treat

Vitiligo in children how to treat

Vitiligo is a skin disease that brings a lot of psychological problems to even an adult person. What to say for children? It is a violation of the pigmentation of the skin, the frequent cause of the occurrence is considered to be a lack of melanin. How to deal with him in children?

The reasons for the appearance of vitiligo

The disease is considered rather rare: only 1% of the world's population suffers from it. What is noteworthy, only one third of the patients received a disease by inheritance, two thirds acquired a change in skin color during life. Most of all those who are ill age from 10 to 30 years, mostly women. The reasons for the appearance of the disease, as well as methods of treatment, remain completely unexplored. However, there are hypotheses, according to which the assumptions about the occurrence and methods of getting rid of white spots are built. In general, the following reasons may result in the appearance of vitiligo:

  • disorders of the glands, pituitary glands, adrenal glands;
  • mental injury;
  • violations in the vegetative nervous system, in which you can observe, for example, a tendency to melancholic depression, constipation, tachycardia, and so on;
  • autoimine disorders under which the reproduction of antibodies and healthy cells is underway;
  • triosinase enzyme failure;
  • genetic predisposition.

What you need to know about vitiligo

Children with vitiligo get a huge psychological trauma because of their unusualness. They are teased, incite. That is why it is very important to know, as well as try to conduct preventive conversations with a friend that:

  1. The disease is not transmitted, it is not contagious.
  2. Vitiligo does not increase the chances of getting cancer compared to healthy people.
  3. Skin changes do not bring inconveniences or pain its owner, as well as quite safe for his health!

Since it is almost impossible to hide vitiligo, and the treatment can sometimes be dangerous to the lifestyle of a small patient, it is important to teach the child to correctly perceive the situation. If it does not work independently, contact a psychologist. Moral and mental injuries will be much stronger than the disease itself.

How to treat vitiligo in children

Unfortunately, the universal remedy has not yet been found. However, medicine does not stand still, so now you can try to deal with the disease in such ways:

  • The PuU-therapy implies an impact on white spots with ultraviolet of certain intensity and waves. Quite often, the visible result appears after several first sessions.
  • Glucocorticosteroid therapy is applied according to the diagram prescribed by the doctor. Moreover, it can be assigned both to intake and for wrecking and smoking affected areas.
  • Complex therapy with vitamins of the group B and A. The result is obtained better when combined with other types of treatment.
  • Therapy by microelements, implying ingestion of copper, iron, zinc, sulfur.
  • A diet that includes such products: cod liver, seafood, white cabbage, apples, rice, corn.
  • Physiotherapy, which includes a specially selected collection of herbs, stimulating the production of T-lymphocytes. The result will have to wait quite a long time - about six months.
  • Drug therapy. Appointed exclusively by the doctor based on the state of the child.
  • Funds (creams and lotions) to protect against direct sunlights are applied to the affected areas, regardless of whether treatment is chosen or just a child is on the street.

Like any treatment, you begin to get rid of vitiligo only after a thorough diagnosis of the whole organism. The path to overcoming white spots is very difficult, sometimes the risk turns out to be unjustified and at all. Before deciding to apply one or another method, advise with your doctor and take into account the general condition of a small person.

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