How to treat psoriasis

How to treat psoriasis

Psoriasis or scaly deprived, as it is called, is a skin disease that has very unpleasant manifestations in the form of redness, peeling and itching on the body. Psoriasis may arise as a consequence of stress, illness or simply without any reason.

Since psoriasis is considered a chronic disease, then it is not possible to completely eradicate the disease, but to introduce it to a state of long-term remission is quite possible. A comprehensive approach will be required, the observation of a specialist and patience.

The first thing, where to start, is in compliance with the diet. It will help relieve or eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis. We will have to completely exclude from the diet alcohol and significantly reduce the sweet, sharp and salty. It should also be limited to the use of animal proteins and carbohydrates. Such nutrition is useful not only under the skin disease, but also for the health of the body as a whole.

It is advisable to protect the skin from the long exposure to direct sunlight and mechanical damage in the place of lesion. In order to avoid infection and suppuration, dirt is not allowed to inflamed skin sections. Try to take care of your nervous system, overvoltage and stressful situations can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. And do not forget to take vitamins to maintain immunity in a working condition.

Of course, in the treatment of psoriasis, do not do without medicines. For local applications, drugs based on tar are used - they remove inflammation and itching, salicylic acid, for softening and removing psoriatic plaques. As well as various ointments, gels and creams. For example, Anthrally, Psorcan (Calcipotriol), Ditransol (Psorax, Cignpiems), Tigassava, Cyclosporine, Solipsor, Akrustal and other hormonal and non-hormonal external means. There is also systemic therapy of psoriasis in the form of drugs inside and injections. Remember, all drugs can be applied only by appointing the attending physician.

If a long-lasting arrival in the open sun is harmful, then short-sighted solar baths have a beneficial effect on the affected skin. When there is no possibility to go to the sunny country, an efficient and modern method is considered UV phototherapy. In case of complex psoriasis forms, photochemistry (PUVA) is used, where special chemicals are used in addition to exposure - photosensitizers inside or in the form of baths before session.

There are many people's methods for the treatment of scaly deprivation. Of most recipes, it is worth noting the lubrication of the scales with chictery juice, the root of chicory, herbal baths or with sea salt. Some helps compresses from the chevival, birch tar or ointment from oil and propolis. For reception inside, ragners of flax seeds and other plants are used. The intestinal washing is also used using herbal enema.

Psoriasis is not studied to the end and is presumably generic. This disease is not contagious, although it looks very not aesthetically. The fight against it can take years, but science does not stand still, offering new drugs and treatment techniques.

Comments leave a comment
Rita 02/22/2016 at 14:26

It gives me a good result to visit the solarium, and there is still a meal where there are many vegetables, then there are no exacerbations, still on the site I read a lot of useful than now I use.

Oksana 19/10/2020 at 17:02.

Unfortunately, psoriasis is not fully cured. But there are great chances of entering the stage of long-term remission. The secret of treatment is that a strict diet is needed. From the experience, I will say that the neurmonal naphtaderms helps very effectively from the exterior preparations, which contains naphthalan oil.


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