Eczema is a chronic skin disease, accompanied by itching, redness in the wound wound area. This disease has an allergic and nervous nature, so during treatment it is desirable to use an integrated approach.
Most often, eczema is found in children that dermatologists are associated with the immaturity of the digestive and nervous systems. For the effective treatment of wound wounds, kids need to provide them first. Try to lay a child to sleep at the same time. Meal must be on the schedule. Sophisticated life cycle makes a child more calm, which reduces the likelihood of recurrence of the disease.
With the appearance of red spots and peeling, it is necessary to ferriate to treatment. Do not wait when bubbles with pus are formed on the skin. Washing wound - "Open Gate" for viruses and infections. If the baby on his face or other open body has an eczema with guns, limit it to communication with people. It is very dangerous if the crumb is infected with herpes. Fucking is possible due to the development of eczema infected with herpes.
What to treat the disease? First of all, it is necessary to try to prevent the occurrence of relapses. To do this, during the remission, it is advisable to relax on the sea. Try not to be in the sun for a long time. Ultraviolet favorably affects the course of the disease, but at home Eczema is exacerbated. During the formation of the wet area, it is necessary to lubricate the wound with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. These may be ointments based on antibiotics. Almost an antihistamine drug will not solve the problem. After the glands disappear, it is necessary to moisturize the skin. Hormonal drugs based on corticosteroids are quite effective. But you should not get involved.
Many good recipes offers traditional medicine. Excellent copes with eczema birch tar. Now there is a cream "Tentel" with tar and shark liver. Acute eczema is easy to treat with it. Children are unwanted to smear the wound with corticosteroids, you can try to cure mocking wounds with cream Cap or chlorophilite.
During the visit to the dermatologist, ask the direction on the scraping from the affected area. This will help find out whether there is a secondary infection. Often the wound is infected with yeast or staphylococcus. Even with proper treatment, it will not be possible to get rid of the eczema, without healing the concomitant infection. In the period of exacerbation, do not let the child chocolate, citrus and snacks. An adult person can not be eaten smoked meat, alcohol and sharp dishes. At the first manifestations of eczema, it is necessary to take a sorbent within a few days. It may be an enterosgel, smecta or activated carbon. These drugs absorb toxins and allergens.
At the stage of wet, do not use fatty creams. Try to dry the wound. A decoction from the stems of Ceeshela will cope with this task. You can buy a tincture of cleanliness in a pharmacy and wiped her wounds. Positively affects the course of the disease. Reception of vitamins of group B. During the remission, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with vitamin B in injections.