Eczema – it common disease nervously–allergic character. Inflammation surface skin characterized ram v video bubbles. V aspect togo, what they burst, stand out liquid, that leads to education jews. By this cause treat this nedug need to with individual and comprehensive approach. Rash at eczema cause psychological the discomfort, because how they appear on the lying and hands. Eczema it has cyclic character, which the includes exacerbation and period remission. Questions o methods treatment are relevant v our time, because how the medicine more notenough effective v it is direction and disease maybe begin again.
1) Drug treatment of eczema on hand
Pathogenetic treatment equalizes negative impact exterior environments or rebuilt functions organs.
TO such. treatment need to suit systematically, at it is need to consider degree defeat skin.
For right choice method treatment need to pass the survey, that includes:
- allergological methods,
- immunological research,
- biochemical analyzes,
- reception endocrinologist,
- psychoneurologist,
- microbiological study.
Treatment assign v addiction from age patient and floor, total previous treatment and the rest factors. Main from which– it stage diseases.
2) Hormonal therapy with eczema
Heal disease maybe at aid hormonal drugs, used on recommendations the doctors, short-term period, day oTO day canceled tablets if there is acute need. Corticosteroids cause strongest side effects and at it is have such contraindications: they promote development infections, can exacerbate chronic disease, because how weaken immunity. Application these tools dangerously at long and uncontrollable usage. If eczema only on the hands, then can apply only local hormonal preparations. But if inflammatory process distributed by, then assign oracle hormonal treatment, that make up maximum fifteen days v defined doses.
3) Treatment Eczema on her arms vitamins
Apply vitamins need to necessarily for treatment eczema. This such vitamins how vitamin E., nicotinic and ascorbic acid, vitamins v injections groups V and F. olive acid.
4) Application antihistamine preparations from eczema
Medications from allergies apply at all species eczema. They possess anti-inflammatory and sedative action. Such preparations need to accept maximum fifteen days, then change or make break, to to avoid addiction. Often one and that same a drug on-difficult act on the different patients. A v aspect their relaxing and sleeping actions they forbidden for patients, which pass homemade treatment. It is better total use such a drug, how D. jazolin., because how he not violates attentiveness, it has sunsmolytic property, but at it is he more all the rest drugs annoys stomach, that's why not recommended patients, having problems With digestive system.
5) Local treatment of eczema
Therapy outside depends from general clinical paintings: it view eczema, concentration and degree inflammation. Treatment is by himself all sorts solutions, suspend, mazi.. If there is moknutia, then make stick solutions, v compound which included nitric acid silver, tannin, also suitable gels - D. havenden, solutions Dioxidine and Furatcilina, manganese, born acid (2%).
Cork proceed aniline dyes.
Usage steroid maze accompanied by appointment D. wetenterna, to the effect coming faster, also he great sweeps skin. If form Diseases limited, for example, brushes, then apply weaklyknitting substances, possessing anti-inflammatory action, v form lamb. This solution Burov, sulfat zinc, nitrate silver, 1% lemon acid. Sprinkle white glina, oxide zinc ideally at sharp legging process.
6) Physiotherapy with eczema
Together with basic treatment assign physiotherapy. So, helium–neon laser used on the a source defeat, front that apply solution methylene saint (1%) and accept Anvenol. Selective phototherapy, local UV–irradiation also enough effective. Summer important speratotherapy, v particular finding on the Black sea, Caucasus, Transbaikal, Dead sea.