How to treat atopic dermatitis

How to treat atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is one of the varieties of allergic reactions of the body. It manifests itself in the form of rash and peeling spots, which are often converted to eczema during the period of exacerbation. Most often occurs in young children up to 1 year. In this article we will tell how to treat atopic dermatitis.

We remove allergen

At the very beginning it is worth finding out what the body reacts. As a rule, it is nutrition, dust or cleaning facilities. The harmless powder can provoke a rash on the body and the swelling of the larynx. That is why for washing children's items, use powders without flavors. Once a day wash the floor, it is not necessary to carry out full cleaning, but you should get rid of dust.

How to treat atopic dermatitis


To determine the allergen, a special diet is assigned, which completely eliminates the reception in food potentially dangerous products. These include bright fruits, citrus fruits, confectionery, sausages and fatty meat. All soups need to be boiled on the second broth or without meat. You can not use spices. Only during the period of remission and reducing the number of rashes is allowed to introduce a bay leaf and parsley green.

How to treat atopic dermatitis

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in young children

In kids up to the year, rash may arise due to the immaturity of the digestive system. Very often dry stains and rashes appear against the background of the intestinal dysbiosis. Therefore, it is desirable to pass the caller's feces for analyzes. It is usually evisted by Klebsiella, Giardia, Staphylococcus and Helminty. It is these bacteria and parasites poison the child's body. In this case, the sensitivity of the intestinal walls increases, and allergies can provoke even products with a low allergic index.

How to treat atopic dermatitis

After passing the analysis of the feces, treatment with antibiotics or bacteriophages is prescribed. Be sure after the course you need to restore the intestinal microflora. To this end, they are prescribed Biogi, Linex, Laktovit. These are drugs with lactobacteriums.

Treatments for local treatment

These ointments simply reduce the rashes and reduce itching. But the main treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause. To reduce itching, drugs on hormonal-corticosteroids are prescribed. They need to use very carefully, gradually reducing the dosage. These drugs include pymafuctors, eloc, aflowerm. Sometimes corticosteroids are complemented by antibiotics. It may be triminein or zinc ointment.



It is necessary to understand that atopic dermatitis is associated with a lack of moisture in the skin, so it must be additionally moistened. For this purpose, the emoleses are developed. These are substances that form a film on the surface of the skin, which prevents the epidermis drying. Now you can find such an emolent in the pharmacy: Physiothel, Oilatum, A-Derma, Topicrem. These are ointments or lotions that need to be applied to the skin more than 4 times a day. Remember, it is advisable to continue to contact with water, and after each bathing moisturize the skin. For hygiene, do not use soap or shower gel, they dried the skin. Ideal for atopic leather suitable Emulsion Oilatum with liquid paraffin.

How to treat atopic dermatitis

Remember, all these medicines and emolents are not effective if you do not eliminate the main cause of rash. Therefore, do not be lazy to pass blood on allergens and feces on dysbacteriosis.

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Zhenya 10/05/2021 at 18:47

Yes, the reasons are really mass. I have a problem against stress. Therefore, the soothing base. And necessarily probiotics, of course. Pugh Evalarov Multiflora Derma. As part of a special strain of microorganisms - Lactobacillus Sakei Probio 65, it is they help to improve skin condition. Now it is better a state, thank God.

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