Skin inflammatory diseases, the genesis of which is associated with food allergies and exposure directly to the skin of chemical, physical and mechanical stimuli, are called dermatitis. The manifestations of this disease are diverse - from light and minor redness of the skin to abundant edema and complex curable weathered ulcers. Dermatitis may occur from any age category, and it should be treated comprehensively, affecting both the root cause and its consequences.
The reasons for the appearance of dermatitis in children are always associated with nutrition and departure. The first manifestations of the disease most often come to the face, and with complicated forms can be expressed throughout the body. Environment - provoking contact dermatitis factor. Analyze that it can serve as a source of dermatitis (poor-quality washing powder, bad or rarely replaced diapers, dyes of clothing, cosmetics), and do everything so that the child does not exact with it.
Minor manifestations of contact dermatitis are removed with the help of children's springs or bathing in herbs decoctions (a series of chamomile, oak bark). With the pronounced form of this disease, use special creams and ointments (Advantan, Desitin), which are well removed inflammation, have anti-face properties and contribute to the activation of the processes of recovery of skin. With an allergic contact dermatitis, use antihistamine preparations that contribute to the speedy removal of allergen from the body and sorbents that limit the suction of harmful substances into the body (enterosgel, activated carbon, Polysorb, Smekt).
Atopic dermatitis that occurs in children is a manifestation of food allergies, transferred stress, infections, genetic predisposition. First of all, eliminate all provocative products from your menu (if you breastfeed) and a child's menu. Power must be hypoallergenic. Specific products (smoked, vegetables and fruits bright coloring, spices, chocolate, coffee) Do not eat at all. Increase the amount of liquid feedable. Remember that the manifestations of any kind of dermatitis in childhood should be treated with complex and without delay, because this disease in complicated and chronic form often passes into adulthood.
If you have irritation and inflammation of the skin, with concomitant dermatitis symptomatics, refer to the specialists in the field of dermatology and allergology. After appropriate examinations and collection of history, you will be recommended treatment that will relieve you from this disease. Alone to ease You can, you can, in terms of helping yourself with the prescribed treatment and with the easy manifestations of the disease.
The most common consequence of dermatitis is dry skin and cracks on it. Use mitigating and moisturizing creams, ointments, baths, vegetable-based lotions with vitamin additives. Pay attention to the composition of the product - it is desirable that it be without hormonal additives. The use of topical corticosteroids can be justified only in the case of strong pain and solid skin damage.
Observe the diet. Food should be most based on vegetables and low-fat meat varieties. Exclude gluten porridge, eggs and dairy products from your diet. Cosmetics you use daily (tonic, deodorants, masks, powders, lipstick, scrubs, etc.), should not be applied, give up her at the time of treatment.
On the dammatic areas affected by dermatitis, use aloe juice in pure form (or mixed in equal shares with honey). Daily over the month make compresses from cut leaves of the plant. By this you get rid of yourself from unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis and restore the sensitivity of the skin.
Dermatitis is unacceptable, since with an incorrect approach to this disease, complications and the preservation of scars on the skin are possible. If you have ever had the manifestations of the integrity of the integrity of the skin due to the impact of any allergen, do everything possible so that contact with it does not happen, and with an existing problem, please contact the specialists.
Is it true that children can be dermatitis from washing powders? Previously, somehow did not notice this, and now I noticed that the child has a blush and peel.
Olga, allergies can cause anything. And atopic dermatitis is not always food. At my child, rash began because of the washing powder, since the children's hypallergenic powder caused severe allergies. From the powder of that, we refused and now we use the means of binatek (including washing powders). These products are eco-friendly, hypoallergenic and safe for children. Well polished. And about the dermatitis in the child we have already forgotten.
Svetlana, you straight and upset me and wounded. Upset the fact that dermatitis can be dermatitis from children's shopping powders (and it is just now in a child and poured). And they encouraged the fact that you can buy a safe powder for a child. Please tell me, and this company has a dishwashing detergent? So I think that there is also an allergy from him.
7 In the dermatitis affected areas, use aloe juice in pure form (or mixed in equal shares with honey). Daily over the month make compresses from cut leaves of the plant. By this you get rid of yourself from unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis and restore the sensitivity of the skin.
Thanks for the advice. And for me the best solution turned out to be what the Derma Evalarov multiflora began to take. She nourishes the skin with useful bacteria, this is the best prevention of all sores with her. Take advocate advice, accurately appreciate. Skin health is very dependent on probiotics.
Is it true that children can be dermatitis from washing powders? Previously, somehow did not notice this, and now I noticed that the child has a blush and peel.
Olga, allergies can cause anything. And atopic dermatitis is not always food. At my child, rash began because of the washing powder, since the children's hypallergenic powder caused severe allergies. From the powder of that, we refused and now we use the means of binatek (including washing powders). These products are eco-friendly, hypoallergenic and safe for children. Well polished. And about the dermatitis in the child we have already forgotten.
Svetlana, you straight and upset me and wounded. Upset the fact that dermatitis can be dermatitis from children's shopping powders (and it is just now in a child and poured). And they encouraged the fact that you can buy a safe powder for a child. Please tell me, and this company has a dishwashing detergent? So I think that there is also an allergy from him.
7 In the dermatitis affected areas, use aloe juice in pure form (or mixed in equal shares with honey). Daily over the month make compresses from cut leaves of the plant. By this you get rid of yourself from unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis and restore the sensitivity of the skin.
Thanks for the advice. And for me the best solution turned out to be what the Derma Evalarov multiflora began to take. She nourishes the skin with useful bacteria, this is the best prevention of all sores with her. Take advocate advice, accurately appreciate. Skin health is very dependent on probiotics.