How to treat a deceive debris

How to treat a deceive debris

Freewood deprived - spots on the skin, which appear due to the growth of fungus. This fungus is contained in the upper layers of the epidermis of a healthy person. But with the weakening of the body, it grows, and brown or yellow stains arise, which itch and cause strong inflammation. In this article we will tell how to cure a deserid deprived.

As the infection occurs

Remember, you can get infected from a sick person or yourself. This happens in countries with a hot climate when the body sweats very much. At the very beginning of the disease, you will see several small specks, which differ in the color of the skin. These sites flake and itch. Treatment must be started with minor rash, as mushrooms grow very quickly. Small spots over time merge in eczema, causing a heavy itch.

How to treat a deceive debris


Since this ailment is striking the upper layers of the epidermis, it can be cured by local means. It may be ointment, shampoo or lotion. Most often there is no need for taking tablets. Mushrooms of Malassezia type can be cured with such drugs:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Fluukonazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Batrafin;
  • Fungicides shampoos;
  • Cream Termicon.

Depending on the localization and degree of nestness, the doctor will prescribe a medicine in the form of ointments or shampoo. It is worth noting that different drugs are used in various cases. It depends on the shape and color of spots, as well as on their size.

Folk recipes


For the treatment of illness, you can use tincture of herbs and colors. The decoction of the leaves chilli is very effective. To prepare this, it is better to take fresh grass and chop her with a knife. Fill the tablespoon of vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water and give it. Imprete a clean decoction fabric and attach it to the affected areas. Keep compress for about an hour. Make a grazing 2 times a day.

How to treat a deceive debris

Beets with lemon

Quickly get rid of spots on the skin with the help of beets. Take 200 g of vegetables and skip through the juicer. You can grate beets and squeeze the beet. Wash lemon and cut it into two parts. Singing juice from two halves. Mix beet and lemon juice. This fluid must be soaked with gauze and apply to affected foci by 30 minutes 3 times a day.

How to treat a deceive debris

Vinegar and Kalina Juice

Apple vinegar applied to the treatment of a seven-like deprivion is often used. They need to lubricate spots on the skin every 2 hours. In just 2 days of rash will be smaller. Continue treatment until the alend has completely disappeared. Similarly, you can cure deprive viburnum or cranberry juice. Several times a day, lubricate the foci of the disease with juice of these berries.

How to treat a deceive debris

In general, the deceive debris is a harmless disease, but requires timely treatment. The fact is that bacteria can accumulate in the affected locations. Accordingly, superinfection will appear, which is very difficult to cure. Remember, during the aless it is necessary to change bed linen daily and clothing. After recovery, it is impossible to wear not fearful things, otherwise you risk re-infected with deprive.

Comments leave a comment
Julia 09/08/2018 at 13:56.

I am good from depriving to get rid of sulfur ointment, daily contrasting lush and Mizol. What happened better, even I do not know ... But from my experience, I can recommend that therapy with those who encountered such a problem ..


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