How to treat lisp

How to treat lisp

Shingle is a viral disease that is mainly manifested in the autumn and spring period. The aggravation of the virus cannot be noticed, because its manifestations cannot be hidden. As a rule, it happens more often in people older than 40 years.

This disease wears three names - a herpes slope, slimming and virus Eelgrass. Experts believe that a similar type of herpes is able to apply tremendous harm not only to skin cover, but also the nervous system.

How contagious is slimming

The hazing kind of herpes is also infectious as all others. True, they can be infected far in all cases of contact with an infected person. A sliding deck is directly connected to the windmill, so people who have never sought this disease to be held at a distance from infected with zooming deprived. People who had previously surtered chickenpox should be aware that it is impossible to infect herpes hazing herpes from another person, it can be activated independently, without any reason.

Herpes Washing - Causes

The main reason for the occurrence of the virus Eelgrass It is a virus that hovered in the human body after a windmill. But it is worth understanding that this is not one of the reasons for the formation of deprivation. Here is a list of diseases that are able to activate herpes in your body:

  • Joining deprived, as a rule, is observed in people of old age.
  • Various chronic and sharp diseases associated with blood or immunity.
  • Diseases in which the human body is able to harm himself.
  • Tumors of different types and numerous therapies.
  • Diabetes.
  • Stressful condition, depression.

In fact, the reasons for the formation of a sliding linging can be completely different. If you symptomatic Determined the presence of a sliding depriving, then you need to urgently turn to a qualified doctor.

Lishe and his symptoms

In order to determine the symptoms of the shelter, do not need to be a qualified specialist. All signs of herpes appearance manifest themselves literally in front of:

  • In the first couple of days of infection, the hazing herpes amazes the activity of the body. The patient experiences fatigue, decay, chills, an increase in body temperature, as well as pain in the area in which rash will be formed.
  • Initially, some parts of the body are covered with pink stains, after which they gradually turn into a numerous amount of watery bubbles. After 5-7 days, bubbles spontaneously burst, dried and covered with a crust, which causes the strongest itching and pain.
  • You will notice how much the sensitive skin has increased. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory process affects the nerve endings, which can then be sick throughout even several months.

Methods for the treatment of slaughter

The virus lives in the human body constantly, minus is that it is activated independently and cure it completely not possible. Therefore, everything that a person can make is to help the body in the fight against herpes with the help of special medications.

  • As a rule, in order to remove pain and itching, doctors recommend to consume various medicines that take pain.
  • If your immune system is extremely weak, the specialist must register you to use special antiviral drugs.
  • Long painful sensations indicate a damage to nerve endings. In such cases, doctors prescribe a patient course of antibiotics. Unfortunately, this type of treatment also cannot guarantee complete recovery, since the virus is very stable.

Treatment with medical drugs

At the time of taking medicines, the patient should disappear from the surrounding world. It should also be abandoned from bathing and alcohol intake. Support the body follows with various fruits and vegetables enriched with vitamins. In order to cure a jamming lichen, a specialist prescribes the following:

  • Immunoglobulin.
  • Analgin.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Oxycodon.
  • Gabapentin.
  • Aciclovir.

With the help of taking these drugs, there is a chance that the herpes sling is about to retreat. It is important that all the instructions of the doctor are strictly observed, and you can achieve the desired result.

Treatment of outdoor spots

To get rid of the skin and red spots, the specialist discharges a number of ointments that will be able to provide the best effect. It is important that the medicines contain aciclovirSince it is this means that specializes in herpes varying degrees:

  • Zovirax.
  • Vivorax.
  • Acigerpin.
  • Herpetad.

When red rashes gradually cover with a crust, use such ointments like:

  • Bapten.
  • Panthenol.

Treating herpes of herpes by folk drugs

Before proceeding with the treatment of a skewing depriving with the help of traditional medicine, consult your doctor. In case of approval, write down several useful recipes:

  • Sea bath. Some sea salt are in water in such a way that the mixture turns out a 10 percent concentration. Cooked therapeutic bath can also be used as a compress. Just moisten the towel and attach a night to the affected body. The procedure must be carried out 1-2 times a day until the virus passes.
  • Caution Calendula and Tolody. In a separate container, connect 2 tbsp. Dry calendula and 2 tbsp. Tolody, pour the ingredients with vodka, then leave to brew for two weeks. A slightly shawl with a cooked mixture, then impose on an infected skin area for 15-20 minutes.
  • Garlic. Sattail on a shallow grater 1-2 slices of garlic, then carefully treat the affected area. The procedure should be repeated no more than once a day. It is worth noting that compresses with this product are categorically prohibited, otherwise you risk getting the strongest burn.

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