How to treat chickenpox in adults

How to treat chickenpox in adults

Windshield is a sharp viral disease, which is accompanied by the damage of the skin and mucous membranes with a radiation. It is more often sick and only once in life. In an adult, the disease proceeds much more difficult and is often accompanied by an increased temperature with intoxication.

It is believed that it is better to overcome the windmill at an early age, because only 8% of adults sick of chickenpox have a light form of the disease. The main part of patients are medium-heavy or severe forms. Sometimes deaths occur, but extremely rare. Therefore, in some countries, children are patients with windmill, not to isolate from other kids in kindergarten.

They are infected with windmill air-drip from the person's illness already ill. From entering the virus Virus Variscella Zoster before the initial signs may pass several weeks. In adult incubation period lasts 12-20 days. Then the patient appears complaints about lethargy, an increase in temperature, chills, lack of appetite, the appearance of rash on the skin and in the nose. The rash is the most clear sign of the windmill, which occurs in the form of bright red circles with a diameter of 2-4 mm, which subsequently become papulas causing unbearable itching. Under the thin film inside the rash is a liquid, it is not categorically recommended to extract it in order to avoid the ingress of the bacteria of the secondary infection. It can cause inflammatory processes in brain shells - encephalitis.

The most dangerous time is the last week of the incubation period and the first week of illness. The patient will have quarantine for two weeks. Communication with people who did not have a windmill should be excluded. The bacteria of the virus instantly destroyed without the human body, therefore, the items that the sick, do not need to disinfect.

Vaccination is made not by previously people and not having to protect against the virus, if they were in contact with patients. The success of the vaccination depends on the timing of its conduct. Also need vaccination to women wishing to make a child. OPE during pregnancy can affect the health of the crumbs, a special threat represents the beginning of pregnancy. Grafting guarantees strong protection. The consequences of the procedure are minimal: there may be a small redness at the site of vaccination and swelling. The vaccination is not conducted with cold patients, with intolerance to antibiotics and gelatin, oncological patients, pregnant women, HIV-inficated, people with bone marrow transplant.

Adults will need treatment under the supervision of a specialist. Large inconveniences are associated with itching, not allowing even falling down. Features are driving drugs: greencraft, aqueous solution of manganese (3%), which are carefully processed by all papulas every day. Reduce itching the applying antihistamine ointment phenyatil. It is impossible to perform water procedures during the period of the disease, it is only possible to climb into potassium permanganate with a non-melted solution. Remove the temperature with preparations based on paracetamol. With severe forms of the disease, the doctor prescribes an acyclovir, blocking the DNA of the virus. Also prescribed medicines that stimulate the immune system, and antihistamine ointment, doubting itching. In the event of bacteria from entering the combless papules and the formation of the meal, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Do not forget about traditional medicine: take the blueberry juices, infusion of valerian and means that stimulate immunity.

After recovery, the windmill virus is long present in the nerve tissues of the body, and in some cases under certain circumstances (stress, overvoltage of the nervous system, chronic diseases, the weakening of the immune system) is activated in the pathogenic stage. Shingles is re-identifying the windmill in adults. The rash is manifested only in a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The most unpleasant - pronounced pain syndrome. The disease is not transmitted by air, it is possible to infected with direct touch to the affected skin of the patient.

People with a weak immunity necessarily need to immediately contact the doctor, the likelihood of complications is great. Pregnant women have premature childbirth. Do not jump in papula, scars are formed in their place.

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