How not to get a windmill from a child

How not to get a windmill from a child

It would seem that the name "windmill" is not very terrible, but it turns out that this is a very serious high-contact disease caused by one of herpes viruses. The windmill is transmitted by air-droplet, and they are mostly sick, which are not so developed by immunity, like adults. And if children tend to carry the disease easily, then adults are very hard. It is a high temperature that gives up to 40 degrees, and lubrication in the whole body, and the strongest sputtering rashes on the body, from which ugly scars may remain.

Usually adults are infected with the windmill in the event that they did not pain in this disease in childhood and they have no immunity against the disease. Suddenly, the child fell ill with windmill, regardless of whether parents were sick before, they must comply with all precautions.

Girl with a degreesman

Doctors say that 100% guarantees of the prevention of windmill infection does not exist, except for the complete isolated of the patient's baby. But this, in principle, do it unreal. The disease is transmitted by air-droplet, it means that you need to try to minimize the possibility of getting a virus to the body of parents. Mom, dad, grandmother and everyone who lives in an apartment with baby must wear gauze bandages.

Truck cut

The child must be in a separate room or at least behind the screen. It can be argued that in this way the baby will feel abandoned, but this measure must be respected only until the wind crusts are frown on his body. Further the child can be "withdrawing into society", the risk of infection already "strives for zero."

Room and Shirma

During the whole illness, the child must eat from an individual plate, cups and use its cutlery. It is also necessary to wash them separately from the rest of home dishes and be sure to be boiled. Bed linen, towels and child clothes need to be washed in very hot water and separate from all home textiles.

When there are children in the house, then usually in the family there is a household quartz lamp. Remember how in hospitals there are quartzing chambers and cabinets to combat viruses and bacteria. Be sure to spend radiation processing of the entire apartment, and not just the kid's rooms, while strictly follow the instructions attached to the lamp.

Since the windmill is transmitted by air-droplet, then it is necessary to air the apartment as often as possible so that the viruses leave it together with the air flow.

The risk of an adult windmill increases in geometric progression, if parents have reduced the overall defensive immunity. So if the family has small children who can bring a disease from kindergarten, parents must take care of their immunity to raise. Eat more vegetables and fruits, exercise and often go outdoors.

Modern medical preparations can significantly reduce the possibility of infection. "Acyclovir" and "cycloferon" are those drugs with which you can try to protect yourself from the disease. Doses and duration of reception can be found from a family doctor or pharmacist.


If the child fell ill with a windmill, you should not get into a panic, and it is better to immediately go close to the treatment of a baby and its prevention. Health your kids and you!

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