How to get a windmill

How to get a windmill

Windmill is a very common disease among children. Written with chickenpox is easiest in the places of great accumulation of people. How to get a windmill and what measures to take for treatment, consider further.

What is a windmill

Windmill or chickenpox includes sharp viral diseases. The windmill is one of the varieties of herpes viruses. This infectious disease has an incubation period that lasts from 9 to 22 days. Therefore, quarantine after the last cured person is 21 days. After the incubation period, the chickenpox shows himself with pinkish spots on the face, which very quickly arise throughout the body. After a few hours, these specks turn into bubbles inside which there is a liquid. On the perimeter of the bubble manifests the dark edging of red shades. During medication processing, these bubbles turn into a crust, which by the end of the disease disappears.

Most often with windmill with little children from birth and up to 12 years old. After the suffered disease in the body, immunity is produced for life. Adult man can also get sick with a wind inspi, if he has not transferred this disease in childhood.

How to get a windmill

The cause of infection is a sick person. The infection is transmitted by air-droplet. In kindergartens and schools, there are most often groups of children from each other. In stores, airports and other public places are very large risk of infection with wind inspaid. Sometimes it is enough to pass by a fallen person.

Features of the passage of the windmill

After the end of the incubation period, when rashes begin to manifest, the disease may be accompanied by feverish attacks. Several temperatures are held for several days from 38 to 40 degrees.

The rashes are accompanied by a continuous itch and the desire to comb all the body. It is impossible to do this. We must take advantage of special means that will remove unpleasant sensations.

Adult man is much harder to carry the windmill. And, the older, a man or a woman, the more difficult the symptoms of the disease proceed. In places where there were rashes, scars can remain. Treatment of an adult passes longer than in children. It happens in some cases that rash is manifested in mucous eyes, lips and even in the genitals. In these places, many ointments cannot be used and therefore incredible itching is very worried about the patient.

How to treat chickenpox

Be sure to consult a doctor. It is necessary that the treatment is appointed correctly. Unfortunately, herpes is a virus inside the cell cells and not so many treatments for treatment are currently invented.

During periods, the doctors prescribe antihistamines that significantly facilitate this symptom, but for a short time. Usually, a solution of diamond green is used to dry and its disinfecting. To reduce the temperature, "paracetamol" and "Nurofen" and other antipyretic drugs are prescribed.

Bed regime recommended, consumption of a large amount of water. Observe the appointed doses and the procedure for receiving medicines.

If you are sick with windmill, try to protect yourself as much as possible from people to not infect those who have not transferred this infection. It is possible to get sick with a chickenpox at any time and in any public place. Bad immunity and lack of vitamins can cause infection with this virus.

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