What windmill looks like

What windmill looks like

Each mother with the birth of the baby is worried about his health. Strengthen the immunity of the crumbs and do everything possible so that the child is sick as possible - the task of each mother. But sometimes it is impossible to protect the child from viral infections. One of such diseases is a windmill. As she looks like, knows not every mom.

Many parents know how the windmill looks like, but they can be mistaken, because the rash in the initial stage is very difficult to distinguish.

What is a windmill?

Windshnas is the most common children's infection. It is transmitted exclusively to air-drip from a sick person healthy. This viral disease manifests itself almost the same: bubble rash on the body and an increase in temperature. But sometimes transferred and without temperature increase.

Children carry viral disease lighter than adults. By the way, the chickenpox is striking mostly children, but meets in more mature age, but not so often. In the risk group, people with a weakened immunity, as well as women in position.

It is known that those people who have already suffered this disease will no longer get sick, because immunity is produced in their body. But according to statistical data, there is a small percentage of people who are infected with this virus re-.

What windmill looks like

The windmill begins always the same - from the first unit rashes on the skin. First, it's just small pink stains, without a clear contour and flat. After a couple of hours, the nature of the rash changes sharply - the stains becomes more and they are modified, filled with liquid and naturally become convex. During this period, if you notice such rashes, it is impossible to open or squeeze bubbles in any way.

The first rashes may appear in hard-to-reach places, for example, in the scalp, and then gradually spread throughout the body. Bubbles can jump even in the most unexpected places: both on the skin and on the mucous membranes (genitals and in the mouth).

Rash can disturb infected, they are very strong. Therefore, it is very important during this period to prevent comb. If the child scratched a pimple, then he can burst and the infection is not excluded in the wound.

The cyclicality of the windshield is such: the first bubbles go on themselves, and then new appear. That is, the flow of this disease is waveled. The first pimples "live" from 3 to 4 days, then they pass and appear new, but they are no longer as bigger as in the first days of the disease. In place of the pimple, which gradually comes off, a crust may appear. She disappears itself. If you do not touch it and do not sink, then the trace on the skin does not remain.

By the way, the liquid in bubbles contains many viruses, so it is not recommended to comb shakes to comb not extend this virus.

How to treat windmill

What windshish looks like, we already know, now you need to figure out how to treat this viral disease.

It is known that any viral disease requires treatment with antibiotics. But the windmill is so treated only if the disease proceeds very hard and another infection is attached to it, when bubbles are fused (if they are greatly combed).

Windmill treatment:

  • Do not wet.
  • Do not scratch.
  • Lubricate the rashes with a weak solution of manganese or greenkka to prevent the injection of the wound. Treatment with a color antiseptic of rams with windmill makes it possible to track new items. 5 days after the last rashes, the sick is not infected.
  • Take a shower every day, but in vigorously wash your skin.
  • To drink a lot and abide by the diet: eliminate allergenic products, there are more vegetable food and dairy.
  • With increasing temperature to take paracetamol.

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