What does the virgin pure look like

What does the virgin pure look like

Until now, experts did not give explanations, for which a virgin web is needed. Many are inclined to believe that these are remnants of evolution, which left this feature only for people, antelope and higher monkeys. Many still do not know what kind of virgin plees has and where it is located. We learn more.

What is the virgin pole

The virgin rig (hymen) is a mucous membrane, located at the entrance to the vagina. Since ancient years, it is believed that it protects the sex system of the girl from different infections and diseases, mixing the viruses to leak into the body. Also, the virginity means that the representative of the fine floor has never had sexual relations, because at first sexual contact, the virgin peregov is torn and in the future herself is not restored.

How is the Virgin Piece

The virgin Pepper is located in the sex slit in several centimeters from the vagina. To see her, you need to sit down, bend the legs in the knees, to make the hips as much as possible, then we carefully spread large and small sex lips, and in the depths of the center there will be a virgin plehov. Each girl has its own individual appearance, and sometimes it is quite difficult to see it, as well as determine the presence or absence. If you want to know the features of the structure of your virgin splava, contact a gynecologist, where you will undoubtedly get an accurate answer to all questions. In a specific situation, the doctor will tell how to better conduct first sexual contact to reduce the pain threshold and blood loss.

Types of virgin Plevia

Based on the number and width of the holes of the virgin splava, specialists have such types:

  • ring-shaped;
  • alley (coastal);
  • lipped;
  • tubular;
  • rolic-shaped;
  • kilenid;
  • non-perforated (without opening);
  • microporphorized (with micro-rosen).

The owner of the last two types of virgin splava face the difficulties of gap in natural conditions, and often resort to operating methods for removing the film. If you feel strong discomfort at the first sexual intercourse and are afraid to continue the relationship, you should not panic. Contact your clinic to the surgeon, and your problem will decide quickly and absolutely painlessly.

Here you learned how the virgin peres and some of her features look like. Feel free to look for answers even to the most intimate questions, they will certainly be useful to you in life.

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