What a dyeing looks like

What a dyeing looks like

The plant's plant is widely used in traditional medicine and drugs from it can be bought in any pharmacy. Surely you saw this grass, but did not give her meaning - she is rather inconspicuous. But if you have people in your family, suffering from cardiovascular diseases or disturbing states, then collect your "green pharmacy" from the mother-in-law.

What does the motherboard look like and where it grows

The botanical name of the motherboard - Leonurus Cardiaca. Sometimes it is called heart grass. This plant grows along forest edges, along the roads, on urban wastehouses, in forest cutting, on pastures. It looks like this: a straight shrub height from 5 to 20 cm with inflorescences in the form of a dense card. Between groups of small flowers are green long leaflets, and near the most flowers - spiny bracts. Doodle flowers are pink or purple shade. The plant is perennial, his root is rather coarse and thick.

In Russia, in the wild, the mother-in-law is found almost everywhere, except for the northern and desert regions. In some regions, Novosibirsk, Kirov and Kuibyshevsky, it is bred in special farms.

What a mother-in-law looks like - collecting

In therapeutic purposes, the dyeing is used only inflorescences. Collect them in the midst of flowering, i.e. From the end of July to the end of August. The collection is produced in a dry warm day, but not too early - all night dew should be passed from the grass. The motherboard inflorescences together with a small part of the stem is taken out manually or cut out with large scissors. Like any medicinal plant, it needs to be harvested only in environmentally friendly places, i.e. far from roads and cities.

What does the motherboard look like - drying

Dry the grass is better in the beams, waving them under the ventilated canopy or in the attic. The readiness of the raw material is determined by the dim gray color of grass and the fragility of its leaves and flowers. The dried dying machine is crushed with a sharp heavy knife and is laid in canvas bags or paper bags. Packages with grass must be stored in a dark and dry place.

Decorations and infants of the doctor of the doctor recommend taking with angina, hypertension, neurosis of various etiology, insomnia, memory problems.

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