What does a tick bite look like

What does a tick bite look like

Many are used to believe that there is nothing special in the bites of small insects, so they do not pay attention to them. However, not all insects are equally harmless. The tick bite can first of all provoke a number of diseases, because these beetles are carriers of various infections, among which encephalitis, borreliosis, anaplasmosis are considered the most dangerous. What does a tick bite look like? We learn more details.

Body areas most prone to a tick bite

If you rested in nature or in another place where many ticks are found, be sure to check yourself for their bites. You can not always feel how the tick bites you, often the process occurs absolutely painlessly. The most common areas of the body where the tick is digging:

  • axillary zone;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears of the ears;
  • lower back, stomach;
  • neck area;
  • breast;
  • groin;
  • joints of the joints.

How to determine a tick bite

Depending on how much time has passed since the bite of the tick, the destruction place may look different.

Invisible trace of a tick bite

If you are bitten by a tick no more than 24 hours ago, then perhaps you will not see anything but a black convex point without redness. It can still resemble baked blood after an injection. This means that the tick, having sucked down, has not yet completely managed to plunge under the skin. But do not try to pick it up, since you may pull out one body, and your head will remain inside, which will lead to further inflammation of this area.

Pronounced tick bite

It is not necessary to pass 24 hours so that the trace of the tick’s bite has a bright -exposed look. The redness of the zone from the insignificant to bright red is possible a few minutes after the saliva of the tick biting you. A different reaction is due to the individual characteristics of the body, the resistance of immunity. Instant redness with bloating most often occurs in people, strongly subject to allergic reactions, in patients with chronic forms of diseases. At the same time, they can additionally have poor health, headache, drowsiness, temperature, shortness of breath, wheezing, itching and an increase in lymph nodes.

Type of bite for borreliosis

With a lime disease, a tick bite looks very characteristic. At first, an erythema arises with a diameter of 10-20 cm. Its shape is round or oval. After that, a dark red border begins to loom along the contour of the spot, and the spot itself turns slightly. That is, with borreliosis, you have a small spot, around which the red ring will diverge.

First aid for tick bite

When you see a tick bite, do not try to pull it out on your own, urgently consult a specialist. If the visit to the doctor is problematic for you, then carefully taking off the tick on your own, place it in the container for further examination for infections that may have already been transmitted to you with its bite. This is very important, because the result depends on how correctly you will be prescribed treatment.

Always inspect your body after an active lifestyle in the open air. Do not be alarmed if you still managed to find the bite of the tick. Be vigilant and act instantly!

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