Bite of the oat - how to treat

Bite of the oat - how to treat

The heap is a specific variety of insects who need human blood or animal and their organism to maintain the life cycle. Without these conditions, this species cannot multiply. This is the main reason why people and mammals in the summer are subjected to drying bites. The foddes are also called blind.

Danger of oat bite

Always bite is accompanied by the strongest pain. Insects are very hard to remove, both from animals and by humans - they are very intrusive. Blindly focus only in vision, so they can easily escape from them.

At the site of the bite is formed by a seal, and the skin is blushing in this place. Blood has not collapsed for a long time and falling out of the wound. A person feels burning and itching. Symptoms usually pass a few days later.

Bite blindness is rarely accompanied by allergies. In rare cases, strong swelling, itching and redness, an increase in body temperature, deterioration of well-being is developing. Regional lymph nodes may increase. In the place of the bite, a painful solid nodule is formed, which is the norm for infected wound.

In practice, cases of the development of strong allergic reactions or poisoning of the body were not observed in the bite of the blind. But not everything is so simple, the bite is blinding - this is a mechanical carrier of diseases that are transmitted with blood:

  • filyeyosis;
  • tularemia;
  • anthrax.

What if you were bitten by the fuel?

The wands rarely bite a person, however if it happened, then you must know about first aid options. The sequence of actions is provided with a set of such events:

  • Press the place of bite with a solid subject. Thus, you reduce the pain and slower the speed of the propagation of insect saliva components.
  • Cool the affected place. Made with the same purpose as presidation.
  • Rinse the branched place with cold water with soap. You can even apply compress based on economic soap. To do this, the napkin is wetted in water and is richly rolled with soap, after which it stacked on the affected place.
  • Project the skin with antiseptic solution (x lorgexidin, D. ekasan, peroxide, f ukorscin, iodine, green, alcohol).

The bites should usually occur in natural conditions, where the use of the above algorithm is not always possible. Only very prudent people always carry a first-aid kit in case of unforeseen circumstances. In most cases, it will have to use what will be at hand.

  • Stem and dandelion juice. Crops until the juice is obtained, after which applied To the place of bite.
  • Plate and plantain juice. It is processed in the same way as the dandelion.
  • Normal bow. To the place of bite you can apply crushed petals, crushed onion or its juice.
  • Salt compress. Probably each vacationer always has water and salt. It is necessary to dilute in a glass of water a spoonful of salt and apply a moistened napkin to the place of bite.
  • Food soda solution. A large spoon of soda is divorced in a glass of water. You can add a spoonful salt. The solution is applied as wet drying Bandages.
  • Vodka row. It can be used both in its pure form and with dissolving salts in it.

Possible consequences of oat bite

  • The most unpleasant consequence is the suppuration of the skin with the subsequent formation of abscesses and phlegm. Toxins that hit blood can cause nausea, vomiting, chills and heat.
  • After the bite, the dermatitis often appears quite often and if it is not possible to do with it in a timely manner, it will not be possible to avoid nonsense of impudent therapy and ulcers.
  • Waters are the carriers of many hazardous diseases - tripanosomoses, Siberian ulcers. Insects are danger and animals - they postpone their larvae in subcutaneous layers For further development.

Treatment with antibiotics will not help. The only exit is to cover oxygen access to larvae. This is carried out by overlapping the bandage from the film or by applying the layer of vaseline.

If you have noticed that there is a huge swelling at the site of the bite, you have worsened breathing and cardiac activity - you should immediately leave the place of recreation and contact the nearest medical center.

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