Bit the tick what to do

Bit the tick what to do

Pliers are most active in spring and autumn. In the southern and middle part of Russia, these insects are practically harmless, i.e. They are very rarely pedalized diseases. But in the northern regions and in the Far East, the ticks are very dangerous in terms of encephalitis and borreliosis. In any case, if you were bitten by a tick, you must take certain measures.

First of all, remove the tick that has already dug into the body. Keep in mind that ticks need to be pulled out with your head. If this is not done and the head will remain under the skin, the inflammation will first begin at this place, and then turning out.

There are several methods for extracting a tick, but the most reliable is with a tweezers. The ticks must be captured by sponges and turn counterclockwise. It is necessary to do it very slowly and gently, simultaneously with a turn and swaying ticks to the sides. Pinzeta can also be used normal, but it is better to purchase a special. In it, the sponges are located not in the horizontal, but in the vertical plane. It is such a device that can be securely fix and carefully pull out. Tweezers to extract ticks are sold in the shops "Medtehnika" and in pet stores. Any tweezers before use wipe the alcohol-containing liquid.

If there is no tweezers at hand, then the tick can be used to pull out with the help of a harsh thread. From it you need to make a loop, put it on the insect and swaying to the sides, pull it out of the body. The method of a native loop requires a serious skill, and if you do not know how to do this, then the head can remain under the skin. Then you can try to get it with a needle, as you do when you get the opposition from your finger. The needle before use must be treated with alcohol, cologne or any disinfectant handicraft. If you are not sure that the tick completely came out of the skin, then go to the hospital to the surgeon - a specialist pulls his head.

Another method is the pouring of a tick with any vegetable oil. It is assumed that the oil falls into the breathing holes, clogs them, and the tick itself falls off from the body. But this method is undesirable, since the oil can get into the wound and cause inflammation. After removing the tick, the bite is treated with alcohol, vodka or something like that. Then make it up with green and glue the bactericidal plaster or clog the bandage.

Turn the extracted tick to save, especially if the bite occurred in the northern region. Put it into a plastic bag, a glass or plastic jar or any other closing item. As soon as possible, deliver ticks to the district sanitary-index to be checked for a virus for the presence of a virus. If you could not save the tick, contact the hospital laboratory. At your request, you should take blood on immunoglobulins of encephalitis or borreliosis.

If the ticks you find on your dog, it must be removed by one of the described methods. Follow the pet for 10 days, namely, constantly measure the temperature. Its increasing to 40-41 degrees may indicate a dog infection with piroplasmosis - this is precisely this formidable disease. If the dog has become sluggish and eats badly, urgently carry it in a car and do not forget to say that they removed the tick from her. For cats, these bloodsowing are not terrible at all, but it's not worth leaving them on the body of a fluffy muffin.

So that the ride to nature does not turn into a closer in the form of a sucking tick, do not neglect the safety measures. Dress up a dense clothing with long sleeves and pants into the forest, and open body parts are treated with special reversing means - repellents.

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