How to remove ticks at home

How to remove ticks at home

As soon as beauty-spring comes into their legal rights, the topic of tick bites becomes mega-relevant. Having waited for warm days, we gladly go to nature. Country bars, picnics in the forest and unhurried walks along the city squares - there are also dangerous bloodshots. To see them in early greenery is simply unreal, so everyone can be a victim of ticks during active leisure. How to independently remove the bloodsinking parasite from the skin? How to handle the place of bite? How to protect yourself from ticky attacks? Actual Questions - Million, Instruction - One!

Danger of tick bites

The requested parasite is not only disgusting, but also extremely dangerous! Pliers are carriers of serious infectious diseases - encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever, borreliosis, anaplase and others. Infection occurs from the first seconds of the introduction of an insect injection into a person's skin, so it is important to remove the punched parasite as soon as possible!

By the way! Contrary to popular belief, the ticks do not know how to fly, but at the same time they are distinguished by the revolving character and the dead grip. As a rule, they fall on the crowns of trees and the tops of shrubs. First, the parasites are deftly cling to clothes, then confidently move to favorite places - neck, clavicle, chest, armpitchs, crooks.

Tick \u200b\u200bwarning trimming

Tick-bite actions

The primary task of the victim - the most quickly and extremely carefully remove the tick out of the wound to prevent possible infections in the body. Removing the parasite is better to entrust trauma specialists or surgeon. If there is no opportunity to ask for help to doctors, bloodsuckers will have to be removed independently. In this case, the main thing is calm, accuracy, clarity and coherence of actions.


Removal Tick at home

It is most convenient to remove ticks using special devices. In fact, such devices are some capture, and externally, they look like a bent twisted plug. The devices of this type are sold in pharmacies at an adequate price and are often equipped with a magnifying glass to look at the parasite. As an alternative to said fixtures, it is possible to use conventional tweezers, tweezers or durable thread.

Pinzet tick

Recommendations for the removal of the tick:

  • At first, the blood circulation is captured by the tool or they throw a loop on it from the thread as close as possible to the trunk.
  • Next, the ticks are lightly tighten and at the same time carefully rotate around their axis. As a rule, after 2-3 revolutions, the insect is fairly easy and painlessly extracted entirely.
  • If in the process of removing the insect head still broke away and remained in the skin, the bite of disinfection, and the remnants of the tick are removed with the help of a sterile or the needle-flanged on fire.
  • After removal of blood circuit, the wreck is thoroughly washed at first soap, then clean water, dry well and treated with green, iodine or alcohol.
  • At the end of all manipulations, we wash well (even better - to disinfect) hands.

Important! Consider that when the parasite is removed, sharp movements are unacceptable - the likelihood of infection rapidly increases when crushing blood pressure!


Utilization of the tick

Actions after tick removal:

  1. If the tick has survived after removing the tick, you must be placed in a clean glass container (for example, a bottle or a box of pills) and within 48 hours to transfer to the laboratory to check for the infection with tick-free viruses.
  2. The dead tick should be properly disposed of - infectiousons recommend that the parasites removed to burn either sprout with boiling water.
  3. Within 3-30 days from the date of removal of the tick, periodically examine the place of bite - if it flushed, it became eager or painful, urgently contact the nearest medical institution! If necessary, doctors provide emergency assistance using immunoglobulin or antiviral drugs.


How to avoid ticky attacks

Compliance with certain safety rules will help protect yourself from tick attack:

  1. Planning a visit to the forest or a park area, carefully select the wardrobe: the clothes should close your arms and legs as much as possible (cuffs / gums on sleeves and brothers are welcome), it is necessary to cover your head with a hat / cap / panama. It is even better to further sketchon - it will protect against the free fall of ticks for the collar. Ideal if things are sewn from a light moving material - on a light background insects are more noticeable, and they will be more difficult for their smooth fabric.
  2. Tick \u200b\u200bbites are practically invisible for the "victim" - in the saliva of small bloodsicles contain an anasthetics substance that blocks outgoing pain impulses. That is why, by conducting leisure on nature, periodically examine the body for suspicious dark points.
  3. Be sure to use repellents: the creams of the thin layer are applied to open areas of the skin, aerosols spray on clothes. Consider that each tool has a specific validity period, so it is time to periodically update the protective "shell".
  4. Come goes around high grass and shrubs - most often mites are inhabited at an altitude of 0.5-1.0 meters from the ground level. To move, choose wide paths, and for the prival - spacious sites.


Follow the simple recommendations - and your leisure does not dare dangerous bloodsowing ticks.

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