How to remove the tooth kid

How to remove the tooth kid

The change of dairy teeth to constant is a natural process that often passes painlessly, naturally and imperceptibly. But the situations are not excluded when parents may have questions: how to remove the tooth in a child, is it necessary to delete it now, can it be done yourself or need to go to the dentist?

The replacement of dairy bite on the constant begins at about six years. Each chisel is loosened and falls according to its long term. With the characteristic and significant mobility of the tooth, you can and do not make a visit to the doctor, but to remove it yourself, because such a process is not completely difficult.

Invite the child to nibble on the side of a staggering tooth solid food (apples, carrots). From the first time, remove the tooth in this way may not work, so let the baby regularly.

Explain to the child that he becomes an adult and a temporary token must give the road to constant. Let the baby slowly overwhelms the tooth himself. Watch your hands to be washed.

With increased mobility of the tooth, when the milk roots almost resolved and it keeps "on a honest word", it is possible to remove it with a thread. The tooth is firmly tied up with a thread and sharply jerk to the side opposite from the jaw. The main thing is that this manipulation is not painful and the child is not frightened, so do it neatly, quickly and with the informed consent of the baby.

After the tooth falls out, be sure to reward a child with a gift, which you can yourself or giving a dental fair.

If, after independent removal of the dairy tooth, the gums bleeds, give the child to rinse the mouth with a disinfecting solution or attach to the well moistened in such a gauze tampon solution. You can eat after removing the tooth in 2 hours, and drinking liquid is allowed immediately.

If you could not manage to delete your tooth with personal forces, consult a dentist.

Whatever the removal of the tooth in a child in the process of complexity, it is still a psychological trauma for it. First of all, a small patient should be prepared morally. Never pronounce the word "pain" in any of its manifestations, replace it with the words close in the context.

Try not to discuss with the child the problems of his teeth: diagnoses, conducted or planned procedures, what they did that plan to do, how it will be performed and what the consequences will be.


In the office of the dentist, the child should not see the tools. The doctor will do everything so that a small patient will not notice a syringe with an injection, no forceps. Your task to behave calmly, easy and not comment on the actions of the doctor. Talk with a child on distracting themes.

With a minor mobility of the milk tooth and already cutting the constant (if the child does not have any uncharacteristic complaints with this condition) - contact the dentist to remove a replaceing tooth for the "liberation of the road" with an adult tooth. Talk to your child, calm, adjust to a positive way. The little patient should not be afraid of medical care, because the procedure is not complicated and will be painless.

When passing the child of orthodontic treatment in some situations - in a planned manner, the removal of permanent teeth can be appointed before performing the bracket system. In this case, the procedure of such removal is serious, but is not dangerous and is of therapeutic nature. Tune in to removal morally yourself, and then prepare a child. Motivation to such actions will be a beautiful and smooth smile after the end of treatment.

In non-specific complaints of a child, such as pain when painting to the tooth, a feeling of cutting in the field of milk tooth (it is stable and not moving), swelling of the cheek from the disturbing side, the wrong position of the tooth (in which it hurts the oral mucosa or adjacent teeth) , severe damage to the milk tooth by a carious process, a fracture of the tooth or its destruction to the level of the gums - seek help in a specialized dental clinic. The removal of the tooth in this case will be performed as a small surgical operation.

Comments leave a comment
Zinaida. 24/11/2018 at 9:34

This is the most terrible doctor from my childhood. Therefore, I make a huge focus on the health of the teeth. We comply with the correctness of the cleaning of the teeth so that the cottage cheese ate, carrot, I give calcium vitamids +. I do not allow gnawing, especially candy.


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