How to remove the tick

How to remove the tick

The tick is small, but rather malicious creature! Nobody is insured against his bite. Therefore, you need to know how to pull it right! We need: tweezers, alcohol, iodine, soap economic.

First of all, you need to wash your hands with soap.

Next, we proceed with alcohol tweezers and plenty of plot where the tick was suiced.

Seat the victim more comfortable. If this is a child, then it is necessary to calm and ask for someone to hold it, so that in the most responsible moment he will jerk, and did not have to start all.

Tweezers gently grab the ticks, as close as possible to its oral apparatus (behind the head). Do not compress much so as not to crush it. Keep perpendicular to the surface of the bitter and swing slowly first, and then rotational movements counterclockwise "unscrewing". Usually 5-7 turns are enough.

Check the bite and integrity of the tick. If the wound is clean, and the tick is intact (it has on the head of the trumps and two mustache), then simply process the place of bite with a solution of iodine. Everything went well.

If the trot or the whole head remained in the rink, then they need to be removed! To do this, pump out the needle on fire (better from the syringe) and carefully remove the remnants as the inlauts. The wound is migrating alcohol and process iodine.

Distinguish with an infected encephalitis virus and not infected tick is not possible! Therefore, even if you quickly and successfully removed the ticks, it is necessary 10 days after the bite to pass the blood test for the presence of viruses.


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