How to treat scabies with folk methods

How to treat scabies with folk methods

The scabies initiates the development of a dermatological disease - scabies. Recipes of traditional medicine help to cope with an unpleasant and very contagious disease.

Prepare chopped green fruits and walnut leaves with a total weight of 20 g. Pour a mixture of a glass of boiling water. Let the infusion settled for 20 minutes. Lubricate the body affected by the tick with liquid.

The processing of the infected zone can be carried out by a four -hour infusion based on 100 g of the roots of nine in a liter of boiling water.

Glass the milk juice 2-3 times a day will help. Due to the high allergenicity of juice, there are contraindications to the use of the recipe with children and pregnant women.

Cranberries or lingonberries are able to get rid of scabies itching. These berries have anipiparasitic effect. In the fight against the tick, it is enough to treat the skin with fresh juice of any of the berries.

You can cook fresh juice from fig leaves. Lubricate them infected with a parasite of the body.

A positive effect is observed with the use of laundry soap. Put the soap on the stove on the stove. Add a grated onion and squeezed garlic head to the liquid solution. Heat the mass for 10 minutes, and then pour it into a mold for cooling. Such soap 2 times a day process inflamed areas.

Mix 1 tsp. Freshwear of celandine juice with 4 tsp. Vaselina. Rub the ointment into the skin daily.

Stir until a homogeneous consistency 1 tbsp. Gelled fat, 1 tbsp. grated laundry soap, 2 tsp. sulfur and 1 tsp Birch tar. Lubricate the affected areas with ointment.

Scabies itching does not tolerate lavender essential oils. Apply 2-3 drops to problem areas and rub. The oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin and therefore does not require washing off.

According to 5 tbsp. Mix the herbs of the galloon, St. John's wort, and the root of the Cheero root with 50 ml of butter. Tash for half an hour over low heat. Fainted composition process infected skin.

For external use, 100 g of squeezed garlic in 0.5 l of mustard oil is used. Before applying the mass, cook for about 20 minutes over low heat. Then strain the mixture and squeeze the rest well.

Therapeutic baths help to resist scabies. Take 30 g of pre -chopped with the roots of the verbena of medicinal and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist the contents for 3 hours, and then strain. The water temperature in the bathroom should be 36 degrees. The procedure lasts 20 minutes before bedtime.

For wiping and baths, you can prepare a decoction of juniper. Branches and berries of the plant pre -boil 15 minutes in 10 liters of water. The length of stay and the temperature regime are similar to the previous recipe.

Folk remedies are effective in case of accurate compliance with the dosage. The treatment of scabies must be consistent and thorough.

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Nastasya 19/10/2020 at 17:05

Folk remedies are unlikely to be able to cope with the scabies. The nephew recently “picked up” the scabies. The dermatologist recommended gasolbenzoate. As it turned out, the emulsion is very effective. The course of application is 5 days.


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