With the development of civilization, humanity managed to get rid of many disassembled diseases associated with insufficient hygiene. However, unfortunately, not from all. For example, a scaffold tick, everything also continues to deliver to people a lot of trouble. Nobody insured to meet him, especially if you have children, so you just need to know how to treat scabies and stop the disease in time.
The treatment of scabies begins with the identification of the causative agent of the disease. Chesoccal ticks are well visible in a regular microscope, it is enough to take the scraping from the affected skin.
The symptoms of the manifestation of the disease can be distinguished by a heavy itch (especially in the field of folds between the fingers, on the bends of the elbows, in the armpits, in the groin area), in the beginning of the disease, pink nodules, and then the appearance of scabies, which manifest themselves on the skin as grayish lines (from 1 mm to 1.5 cm). Itching is especially intensified at night, refrain from combing affected areas, because In moves you can make an infection, and hurry to the doctor.
You can get infected with scabies in any public places where the observance of a strict sanitary regime is difficult (Gym, Bath, Hotel, etc.). For infection, it is enough to touch the subject with which an infected person contacted. The incubation period after infection lasts mainly from 10 to 20 days, the disease begins to appear.
For a long time, scabies are treated, using an ointment, which includes sulfur and tar. Modern drugs include lindane, crotameton, permethrin and sprigal. Do not do with self-medication. Any means before use must be tested on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. If the tool causes allergies, it should not be applied.
Chesoccal tick can live for a long time out of contact with the human body. It stays on clothes, shoes, household subjects, bedding. It dies at temperatures above sixty degrees and below zero. Therefore, all things whose quality allows it is necessary to boil, the rest is packaged into plastic bags and wait at least two weeks. During this time, the tick dies without food. If financial means allow, better clothes in which he was sick, just throw out.
In the apartment be sure to make disinfection! Spend wet cleaning with a two-percent solution of soda, upholstered furniture to disinfect special sprays that can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Treatment of scabies in our time takes no more than 10 days. Children make up 40% of all sick scabies. If one family member fell ill, treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist must be passed to everyone else.