The fungus of the feet is an unpleasant and annoying problem, from which it is difficult to get rid of. This ailment constantly makes itself felt by itching and unpleasant odor. Let's try to figure out how to treat the fungus of the toes.
Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with antifungal ointment like Clotrimazole or Nistatin.
Before bedtime, make a bath for legs from wine vinegar. After the procedure, put on the socks that are impregnated with the same vinegar.
In the morning, after the shower, the legs can be solid to salt. Suitable as sealess, so and the usual cook salt (1: 1 with water).
Hooking ground coffee, cool it up to 40 degrees, and lower the legs into the fluid. Repeat the procedure as often as possible during the day.
Lemon juice Lubricate the area with fungal lesion. This facilitates the symptoms of the disease and improves antifungal drugs.
Wash the legs with an infant of the field chewing 4 times a day. It helps completely get rid of the fungus at the initial stages.
Lubricate the contaminated places with alcohol infusion of lilac. For this, the plant flower is poured with alcohol or vodka (proportion of 1: 1) and insist 2 weeks.
Lubricate the legs before bedtime with a solution of copper sulfate. This is a very efficient, but also a very dangerous method. It is necessary to use it extremely gently. Try to apply it in the afternoon and follow your feelings during treatment. Copper core burns are very painful and seriously treated.
Click Immunity. It is proved that a strong and healthy organism is not subject to fungal diseases. If still an infection occurred, then the uplift of immunity will help to fight the fungus of the legs more efficiently, significantly approaching the recovery.
Perform all recommendations and tips regularly and carefully. And the long-awaited relief will come very soon and even recovery.
Lemon juice - really wung in the fight against fungus !!!! I smeared in the evenings by gel Mizol, and in the morning the lemon juice on the nogot patients were applied. So did for two months, everything went !!!
I had a nail fungus, I treated him with lemon juice and a precent Mikovit. For the night, Mukovite was put on the night. And in the morning, the lemon juice. Wash the bath with a purest woman in a day. For 3 weeks everything went.
Lemon juice - really wung in the fight against fungus !!!! I smeared in the evenings by gel Mizol, and in the morning the lemon juice on the nogot patients were applied. So did for two months, everything went !!!
I had a nail fungus, I treated him with lemon juice and a precent Mikovit. For the night, Mukovite was put on the night. And in the morning, the lemon juice. Wash the bath with a purest woman in a day. For 3 weeks everything went.